Chapter 9.

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I slowly opened my eyes and found myself lying down on a couch. I believe?

It was hard to tell since my eyes were swollen and pumping as if they had their own heart beat.
I groaned and struggled to sit myself up, but a pair of hands stopped me from moving.

"The hell?" I turned to my right and saw (Y/N) beside me.

"Thank God, you're awake!" She wrapped her arms around me which made me wince, feeling a sharp pain through my stomach.

"Oh no, I'm sorry!" She quickly released me and put a blanket over my cold, sore body.

"(Y/N)—" I coughed and couldn't finish my sentence.

"Shh! You have to rest, Yoongi." She stood up and left the living room.

I closed my eyes shut trying to reduce the excruciating pain from my head. "W-Where are we?"

"Hm? Well, we're home of course.." She called out from the kitchen I'm guessing. My vision was somehow blurry if you ask me.

She came back with a tray of a glass of water, a sandwich, and some pills.

"Your wounds are pretty deep..." she set down the tray and began patching me up. "I was going to take you to the hospital with Jin earlier but it turned out that you were half awake and started yelling that you didn't want to go."

I froze thinking my heart stopped for a moment. My mind went blank.

"Yoongi? Are you okay?" She put her warm hand on my cheek.

"I-It's nothing. I just don't like the hospital that's all..." I gulped as my arm wrapped around in front of my eyes.

I could tell she gave me a confused expression even though my eyes were closed just by the tone of her voice. "And why is that?"

I sighed. "I just...don't"

"But Yoongi—" She began but was cut off when the doorbell rang.

I tried my best opening my eyes to see her getting up to open the door.

"T-Taehyung? What are you doing here at this time?" I heard her speaking to a boy which seemed to have a familiar voice.

"H-Hey..Sorry that I came unexpected, but I found out about your brother?" The boy asked from the front door.

"Ah, he's not doing so good. He's resting right now but uhm, how'd you find out?" (Y/N) asked.

"Uh, I'm pretty sure a close friend of yours informed me what she gave me your address to check up on you two...well. if that's okay."

She breathed out. "Right..Mae..I told her what happened but I also asked her to not tell anyone."

There was a stammer in the boy's voice. "O-Oh..then should I take my leave?"

"No, no! I really appreciate you coming Taehyung, thank you.." Her voice sounded a lot calmer and happier than before. "Come right in!" She let him in and closed the door afterwards.

Wait a damn minute. Did she just say: 'Taehyung'?...

I forced my eyes completely open and saw him there, standing right in front of me.

I got a good look at him. That same, long shaggy hair. Those same, warm, brown eyes. And that same old boxy smile.

Anger rushed through me veins more than the pain did from my body. "What are you doing here?" I growled.

He gave me a look. A look that showed fear and worry. "I'm sorry?" He questioned.

"Leave this place. Now." I warned.

"Yoongi..why are you talking like that?" (Y/N) stood in front of him in a protective manner.

"Did you not hear me? LEAVE!" I barked.

He stepped back. "Uh, (Y/N)?" He grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

Oh hell no, that he went there. His action made me go older brother over protective mode.

I snapped.

Before I knew it, I bolted up and stumbled towards them, grabbing a vase and throwing it, hoping it would hit Taehyung, but he was already out the door.

(Y/N) ran behind him and closed the door shut knowing he was safe from that attack. I collapsed on the floor breathing heavily.

She ran up to me and helped me back on the couch before yelling. "WHAT THE HELL, WAS THAT ALL ABOUT YOONGI?!" Her voice started to crack from anger and from shock.

I was still taking a few seconds to catch my breath.
"You can't see him anymore, (Y/N)."

She shook her head in disbelief. "What are you talking about?!"

"He's not who you think he is." I argued, trying my best not to say anything rash full.

She scoffs. "There you go again bossing me around, and giving me unnecessary orders like you usually do!" She yelled.

"And what was that you said back at Namjoon's house? That I boss you around for a reason? Because I care and worry for you!" I shot back.

She completely stops herself from saying anything else. "You better have a pretty damn good reason to attack him the way you did."

I looked at her with a shocked expression "What?..."

Her hands clutches her arms together tightly. "Everything I said back there was a lie! I take it all back.." Tears from her eyes began to collect itself from her lids. "You're just the same every day..if you don't care about the things that matter to me, you never cared about me in the first place!" She finished her sentence with a hard yell at the end before running up the stairs.

I heard her room door slam shut as I looked down at my hands hanging low in front of me, thinking to myself.

..what a damn brat.

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