Chapter 4.

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"(Y/N)~ Wake up!"

You felt someone's fingertips poke your cheek and the top of your head immensely.

"Huh?" You bolted up and looked at the girl who has awoken your nap from your desk.

"I noticed you weren't here everything okay?" Your friend hovers over at you worriedly with her hands placed on her hips.

"Oh..hey there Mae." You tiredly responded back while rubbing your eyes. "Sorry, I just didn't feel good." You lied, recovering with a small yawn.

She gives you a questionable look before shrugging. "That's okay, just make sure you tell me before hand since-"

Before she could finish her sentence, loud screams and squeals echoed through the hallways.

"Oh, brother" Mae sighed in annoyance now knowing what's happening which made you stifle in a laugh.

"Well, speaking of 'brothers'..." You nodded towards the crowd of girls hovering over a boy. "Looks like your brother arrived!"

"Step brother!" Mae corrected while folding her arms. "I swear he's nothing but a huge-"

"A huge what?" Questioned the boy that was standing behind her. "Go on and finish your sentence."

Mae tightens her lips as she turns around. "If you're testing me, you best wish you weren't.." She groaned.

"You act like if you're all mighty high with that tone of yours." He sighed. "Get on my level and then talk on something, cause our height don't match up." He shrugs with a cocky smile as Mae on the other hand looks like she's about to lose it.

"Somebody shoot me now.." She said through her clenched teeth receiving snickers from Jungkook.

He sighed in amusement and soon turned his attention to you afterwards. "Oh hey, (Y/N)! We missed you yesterday. You doing okay?"

You shook your attention on him. "Well uhm, yeah...I didn't feel good so I needed the day off."

He tilts his head a little to the side and raises an eyebrow. "Well just remember that I'm here if you need anything, alright?"

Mae takes a few steps back and gags a little. "If you want to flirt with her do it somewhere when I'm not around. Class starts in less than fifteen seconds so I would take my seat." She rolled her eyes and went off to her desk.

Jungkook chuckled at her sudden action and sat down in his desk in front of the classroom.

As time flew by, it was announced there would be a new transfer student. Everyone wouldn't stop touching upon on the subject, making you lose you patience.

"Have you seen the new transfer?"
"He's so cute~"

The whispers and loud giggles grew a little louder making you want to yeet your entire body off a cliff.

What's the big deal about a new student? Don't they realize how desperate they sound?

Sighing, you took out a pencil and began scribbling in your notebook trying not to die of boredom.

"Attention, students!" Your teacher, Mrs. Choi had a huge smile across her face as she entered the classroom.

"It has been announced that we will be having a new transfer! Please show them respect and make them feel welcome!"

Your attention was only taken by the sound of your pencil scribbling in your notebook. You didn't pay any attention to your surroundings.

"Ooo~ he's so handsome!"
"I hope I can be his friend"

The faint murmurs started to fill the classroom as a tall boy entered.

Every eye was focused on him. Every student stared. The classroom was so silent, you thought you can hear a pin drop.

"Hello." The boy finally spoke in a deep voice. "My name is Taehyung...Kim Taehyung."

The sound of his soothing voice made you stop writing for a second, slowly looking up finally giving your attention towards him.

"It's a pleasure to meet every single one of you," He continued.

His voice.

"I uh, hope to make new friends here.." And just like that, he finished his last sentence with a warm smile.

Why does it sound so familiar?

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