Chapter 20. [Finale]

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You closed your eyes waiting for the bullet but it never came.

Your body shook violently under the weight of the person on top of you as you felt a warm wet liquid flowing through you as it seeped in your shirt.

You was too scared to open your eyes. To see the truth. To see the person who was dying in your arms.

"No No No NO!!" You could hear the distinctive shouting from Jimin from afar.

Finally opening your left eye slightly, you peeked.

It was Yoongi who took that bullet. The one who was dying in your arms.

"......Y-Yoongi.....w-why would you....."

He looked up and stroked your tear-stained cheek as his eyes met yours and tried his hardest to remember them as pain ebbs through his chest.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT YOONGI?!" You began clutching at his shirt as sobs echoed from you. His lids grew heavy from the weight.

"....Because I am the big brother. I'm sorry I wasn't better at it until now..." He whispered and shut his eyes.

"..N-No...NO! You stay awake do you hear?! Don't you dare close your eyes! Please! Come on!!" You pleaded as you tapped his cheek to awaken him. His fresh blood is now being stained on your hands, the image of it seemed so unreal.

The man had grown an awful, wicked smile. "Well well. I didn't expect to kill you so soon." He looked down at Yoongi.

"Hey! You bastard!" You heard Namjoon's voice from afar as the ground below you started vibrating from the other's loud pounding of their foot steps, racing towards you.

He soon looked at you with a lifeless gaze. "Goodbye (Y/N)." He took the gun and aimed it at his head,

And pulled the trigger.

You was left there shook. Loud sirens from an ambulance and police cars were soon fading, with the voices of Yoongi's closets friend and your three friends. All of them running up to you in slow motion.

You soon snapped out of it when you realized the ambulance taking Yoongi out of your arms.

"W-Wait..." You stood up. "Stop. STOP! Don't touch him!!" You ran over but was restrained by someone.

"Shit....SHIT!!" Namjoon ran over to Yoongi and saw him losing more and more blood with his skin already turning pale. "Nonononono! Please tell me you're alive Yoongi, PLEASE!"

Hoseok held him back with tears. "N-Namjoon...does he look alive to you?! HE JUST GOT SHOT FOR FUCK'S SAKE!" His voice was loud and hoarse.

Jin backed the both of them away from Yoongi and the police officers. "Give them some space, will you?!" He yelled. He looked angry. Scared. Sad. Shocked. Maybe all.

Jungkook looked at Jimin. "Please tell me this isn't my fault....please tell me! I-If we just stopped him....I-I could've took the hit..instead of Yoongi.." He sniffled.

Jimin looked at him in shock. "Don't say that! None of this isn't your fault, Do you hear me?!" He barked.

Jungkook flinched as he heard how loud Jimin's voice grew. It scared him.

"Let go of him!" Your voice ripped out from your throat as tears streamed down your face.

"(Y/N), relax! Please, it's just me!" You heard Taehyung's voice behind you as he held you down by the waist.

You kept squirming. "Get off me, Get off me!!" You screamed.

Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok made their way over to you and so did Mae, Jungkook, and Jimin.

"Please..." You sobbed, collapsing in Taehyung's arms. "Please."

Mae ran up to you and gave you a hug with her tears falling down on your shoulders. "I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry (Y/N)."

The rest joined in a group hug as the ambulance drove away with a Yoongi in it.

~6 Years Later~

August 7th, 2018

It's a beautiful summer morning. I would open my eyes to realize it's another day without hearing your voice. Not seeing your dark colored eyes being covered by your long midnight shaggy hair. Or your porcelain pale skin with your bright pink rosy cheeks.

I don't get to see that anymore. Sometimes I question if you're really gone. It's been years but it really feels like yesterday I saw them taking your body away. You're still not here and I'm sitting out the window waiting for you to appear so I can run out the door and cry in your arms. But you're gone now. I miss you-

Flinching, the lead of your pencil broke just as you were about to finish your last sentence.

"You're still writing, hun?"

You spun around in your chair and saw Taehyung waiting out the door way.

You nodded sadly and closed your diary. "I still can't believe he's gone. I sometimes think to myself what would have happened if it was me....he didn't deserve to die."

Taehyung went over and held you tightly. "Don't say that. You don't deserve to die either. What would happened if you did took that bullet? I wouldn't be holding you in my arms right now." He squeezed a little tighter.

"Also, he probably did it because he knew if he was gonna have to continue looking after you as a brother, he would still make the same mistakes again...he  thought it was best if you moved on and continued living with a happy life. He didn't want you suffering no more because of him."

Hearing Taehyung's words made your heart break into pieces. You knew Yoongi better than your own mind and he was right. He did it to protect you from hurting.

"Besides! It's only our first day here in this beautiful beach house on a beautiful sunny day! He opened the blinds from the window. "So why ruin the morning with sorrow?" He smiled.

You looked out and sadly smiled. "Yeah...I guess you're right."

"You guess?!" He quickly lifted you from the chair and carried you bridal style. "Yah! Taehyung put me down!" You giggled.

He went out the beach house and out to the ocean. Gently putting you back down, he slithered his arm around your waist while looking at the view.

You did the same and closed your eyes and felt the cool breeze blow onto your face.

You was interrupted soon as Taehyung brushed the hair off your face and leaned forward to kiss your forehead.

It caught you by surprised but you giggled and intertwined your fingers with his.

You looked into his eyes and spoke. "Our first day."

He smiled brightly and came closer to your face. "Our first day."

Then leaned towards you once more and kissed you on the lips.



A/N: thank you sooo much for reading! I know it was really bad and messy but I hoped you enjoyed it 😭

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