Chapter 7.

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"Alright, Taehyung! You can stop pushing me now!" You shouted while being pushed higher and higher on the swing by Taehyung.

"Nope! You have to swing at least one last time before we leave!" He called out.

You huffed and looked at the starry, night sky and closed your eyes. "Fine. I'm just gonna have to jump off then!" You let go of the cold rusted swing chain and jumped off, landing on both of your feet.

"Aw, come on! I wanted to continue pushing you." He whined with pouty lips.

You giggled at his reaction. "I'm sorry, but we have to get going. It's already about to be nine o'clock at night."

Taehyung exhaled and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you're right." He watched you gather all of your belongings over at the bench.

"Hey..." He continued.

"Hm?" You hummed without looking at him.

"Thank you..for you know, playing with me. I haven't  felt that same feeling in ages..." He said in a genuine, low voice.

This time you looked at him and didn't miss his rectangular smile that made your heart skip a beat.

There's that same, familiar smile again.

You opened your mouth but nothing came out.

"Anyways.." Taehyung tried to break the silence which made you snap out of it. "We really should going like you said. Or else we'll get caught."

He also started gathering his things as well before looking up at you. "I'll walk you home if you'd like."

", It's fine. I don't live that far from, you can go on ahead." You spoke in an unsteady voice.

He studied you hard. "You sure?"

You nodded your head with a small gulp.

"Okay...I'll see you tomorrow, (Y/N)" He winked and went on ahead.

You breathed out and started walking the opposite way to your house.

Why does it feel like it wasn't the first time I saw him laughed and smile like that?

* * *

As you arrived safely back to your house you couldn't help but notice that Yoongi wasn't home yet.

"Yoongi?" You called out his name while setting your things down on the sofa in your living room.

"I'm home!" You started looking for him around the house and yet, he's no where in sight.

Panic started to rise in you as you looked at the clock which said '9:29 p.m.'

He's supposed to be here. He's supposed to be waiting for you in the living room with dinner made already. He's supposed to be hollering at you by now for breaking the rule to not come home late.

Where the hell is he?

A loud buzzing sound came from the kitchen which made you snap you back to reality.

"Yoongi, you in here?" You entered the kitchen and found his phone buzzing on the kitchen counter. What's it doing there?

You decided to pick it up and speak into it. "Hello?"

A voice on the other end had answered back. "(Y/N)?"

"Namjoon? Is that you?" You asked in confusion.

"Yes (Y/N)... yes, it's me. Listen....s-something happened" He stuttered.

You could tell by the sound of panic in his voice that something terrible might've happened.

"N-Namjoon? What's wrong, you're scaring me...." Panic started to rise inside of you once more.

"(Y/N) listen to have to come over now at my's about Yoongi"

Hearing his name made your heart stop. You were frozen solid and your hands turned ice cold.
You couldn't respond back to Namjoon.

"(Y/N), you there? Hello?! We can't play any games right now, Yoongi-"

You hanged up Yoongi's phone without letting Namjoon finish his sentence.


You grabbed your keys and jacket.

Not him.

And ran out the door.

Not Yoongi.

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