Chapter 14.

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As the day slowly went by, Taehyung was excited that he finally got a chance to hang out with his new friends.

The four of them began heading over to the arcade, and he couldn't help but notice the playground when they were casually passing by.

Mae turned around and faced Taehyung who was being left behind. "Hm? Hey, you okay?" He didn't respond which also made Jungkook and Jimin stop in their tracks.

Mae began walking up to him. Hearing the clicks of her shoes made Taehyung snap back into reality.

"Huh? S-Sorry. I was just thinking about something...let's continue shall we?" he smiled and let them continue leading the way.

"Hurry up slow poke! We don't got all day to wait for you." Jungkook called out already ahead of them.

"Can't blame him, you're literally speeding up for no reason, kookie!" Jimin respond in a annoyed tone.

"Yeah, slow down and wait for Tae-" Mae stopped when she noticed Taehyung wasn't even close to their presence.

"Taehyung?" All three of them spun around for the second time and saw Taehyung watching some kids playing at the play ground.

"Hey you know what?" he began, attention still on the little kids. "On second thought, I think i'll go with you guys another time." He turned to them. "You guys go on ahead."


After you and Yoongi had a conversation for what it seemed to be an hour or more, you still couldn't take in the truth that was being said. You still tried your best to let everything sink in each time Yoongi spits out more secrets at you without any warning.

Both of you sat on your bed. Your eyes burned from the stinging hot tears that was streaming down your face.

Yoongi was there facing your wall while sulking. Truth be told, its probably even harder for him to tell you the truth of everything. Even he couldn't take it himself.

With seconds passing by, Yoongi finally decided to break the silence. "So I've been meaning to ask you something...about those dreams you're having about...him."

You gave him a look before speaking. "You..mean Taehyung?"

He nodded his head. "Yeah him..can you tell me what happened in one of your dreams with the two of you?"

You pursed your lips and sat straight up. "I don't was just very random. I saw swinging at the swing set by myself until he showed up and started to teach me a few tricks since he believed I was swinging wrong." You shrugged a bit.

Yoongi looked at you. "And that's when the first time you guys met.."

You began to fidget some more while scratching your head. "'re telling me that we're actually..childhood friends, correct? Like ever since we were little, we played with each other at that same playground?"

Yoongi took in a deep breath. "Yeah, that's true. But of course, you wouldn't remember because you were in that car accident and ended up getting into a coma. So you lost your memory, and you didn't remember him." He pointed out.

"So if you're saying that I was in a coma because of it..then Taehyung was in a coma too right?.." You began, now thinking to yourself.

"Uh..well yeah I'm pretty sure he was.." Yoongi agreed. "But that doesn't matter..we shouldn't talk about him."

Your eyes lowered down to your hands. You remembered that part of your dream, the nurse was having that conversation with your aunt. She informed her that Taehyung was in the other room that had woken up from a coma as well.

"But Yoongi, shouldn't he know that he was in a coma himself?" You turned your head back to him.

Without a doubt, he did not like where this was going. "I'm sure he already knew he was..what kind of a family member or relative wouldn't inform him on that?"

"Then at least he should know that we both know each other! And so do you two if I knew him since we were only children!" You argued, trying to make an explainable point.

He looked at you with shock, shaking his head afterwards. "Definitely not. We already made it clear that he is the bad guy, and we're definitely not going to interact with him in anyway, (Y/N)!"

You gritted your teeth. "Can you stop being selfish and start thinking about others for once?!" You yelled. "It's not like he asked to lose his parents! You don't know what he could've gone through, losing both of his two guardians at a very young age!" Your eyes flashed with anger before you grabbed a hoodie laying around on your room floor, and a pair of sneakers.

Before he can think about what just rolled off your tongue, he tried stopping your from slipping on your shoes.

"What the hell? What are you doing?! I'm trying to have a serious conversation with you!" He grabbed your arm from wrapping your hoodie around you.

You look back at him with an angry expression. "And I'm trying to subtly avoid it!" You shot back and yanked your arm from his grip and sprinted out the house. "We're done here!"

"(Y/N)!" He called out. "Don't even think about seeing that boy! You're not going to see him, do you hear me?! COME BACK HERE!"


That's exactly what you were going to do. You were going to see Taehyung and fix all this mess. You were going to see him to tell him how you're having weird dreams of when you guys were little, and about the car accident ten years ago that you were both in, and the fact that you both already knew each other from way back.

You continued running through the streets as you imagined explaining everything to Taehyung. You felt happy. Scared. Nervous. Excited.

Because Taehyung is your close childhood friend.

And the both of you never knew.

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