Chapter 6.

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You began heading back home in no rush. There was no point even though Yoongi would be upset if you didn't arrive on time. You just didn't care about his concerns at the moment.

As you were walking on the sidewalk, with your heavy backpack slung over your shoulder, you couldn't help but notice the old playground with the old swing set.

It was covered in chipped paint and swayed with the breeze, emptiness surrounding it. They were your favorite swing set when you were just a little girl. You used to play at this playground with Yoongi and those swing sets would be the first thing you would run to.

You didn't know why but swinging on the swing made you forget about all of your worries and the happiest girl in the world. Sadly, the whole playground was nothing but just a faded childhood memory now. For some reason, you didn't really remembered all of the memories you had playing on the playground. But it gave you a happy feeling.

All of a sudden something caught your eye, or more accurately someone. It was a boy. He was sitting on a bench, looking up at the gray, cloudy sky. His back was facing towards you, so you couldn't even get a quick glance at how he looked liked.

Either way, you somehow had the urge of wanting to go up to him and ask why he was sitting alone.

You began walking slowly towards him, unable to stop your legs from moving on it's own. "Excuse me?" You finally spoke in a quiet voice.


No response from the person at all. He still had his head hanging back while looking up at the sky.

You began to grow impatient. So you lightly tapped his shoulder. The person was startled by your sudden touch which made you step back a little.

"Huh?" Questioned the boy. He took out one of his headphone from his left ear.

No way.

It was him. The new transfer student from your class. Both of your eyes met, and it felt like two worlds colliding. His dark brown eyes felt like warmth, like a warm fire in the cold winter. They felt like a dry home on a rainy day, filling you up with happiness and you couldn't look away.

Your gaze was only shifted when he smiled. His smile looked like how his eyes felt, like warmth wrapped within a blanket of innocence.

"Hi" He finally said as he pulled out the other headphone from his right ear.

"Hello.." You responded meekly. Your heart was about to explode, slamming against your rib cage.

He finally stood up, still glancing at you with a smile, which made you do nothing but look down letting your hair fall over your face because you knew it had gone red.

He spoke again and you tried your best to find an eye contact balance between staring and completely ignoring him. "Well it seems you still have that same look again." He said with a rectangular grin that hypnotized you, making you completely forgetting how to form words.

"I, uh...ah..." You stuttered. You tried to calm yourself down, to slow your heart rate, which he could probably hear because it was so loud. "You're the new transfer student. Uhm, we sit next to each other in class." You choked out.

" could I ever forget that look you were giving me during that period?" He smiled.

"What.. look exactly?" You cocked your head to the side.

"Well, the look you were giving me a half second ago." This time he laughed. His smile was so attractive to you.

"Ah...crap" You couldn't stop blushing and his laugh was just making it worse. "I'm really sorry if I freaked you out. I-I never intended to-"

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