Chapter 13.

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"Haha, come on (Y/N) you slow poke!"

"Yah, wait for me!"

"You can't catch me!"

"Hold on tight!"

"(Y/N) wake up!"

"Wake up!"

"(Y/N) wake up!"

"Yah?!" You bolted up in your bedsheets panting heavily as fear itself began to eat up.

Yoongi was in front of you in your sight, now frightened from your unexpected reaction.

He surprisingly had a worried look on his face, which may seemed like he was checking up on you. "Hey, are you okay? You've been yelling in your sleep for a whi-"

With no hesitation, you grabbed both sides of his shoulders digging your nails in his skin. "Yoongi, what's going on?!"

Taken aback by your sudden action. He eyed you. "What do you-"

"I keep seeing him Yoongi! Taehyung keeps appearing in my dreams! Why.." Your eyes began to grow in worry now thinking about what took place.

"Okay, calm down." He took both of your wrists to detach your nails from his skin.

You briefly took the chance to get up from your bed. "I can't just calm down..I practically dreamed about ourselves playing at the playground when we where kids! And yet.." You looked down twiddling your thumbs, now remembering the sight of the little boy that called himself Taehyung.

The dreams were too detailed and too specific. How everything happened in chronological order made it seem even scarier how accurate it could've been in real life. You playing at the playground, meeting Taehyung, then switching to it to being the hospital with Yoongi weeping drastically.

Yoongi couldn't help but notice the stressful state you seem to be in. "(Y/N).." He began. "Tell me what happened.."

Your arms wrapped around you and held on tightly for comfort. "I-It was just..the fact how exciting our childhood was from the beginning before it crumbled in front of us." You slowly took a few steps to your bed and sat down beside Yoongi. "I had dreams of Taehyung and I meeting for the first time at that exact same swing set just down the street. And then how I was lying down in a hospital bed and you were there with our aunt Yen.."

Yoongi was in complete shock hearing the words you were speaking softly to him. He kept blinking a few times making sure to understand the fact how you randomly had that specific dream.

"Yoongi, we both knew about the car accident..but you never told me Taehyung was the one in the other car with his parents as well." You slowly looked up at him speaking in a hushed voice.

He partly opened his mouth, confused as he looks, he's wondering how the hell you were able to dream about the truth that happened years ago, something you didn't even remembered. And it's literally brought back in a dream?

"Is it true?.." You began, breaking him out of his trance. "Is it true that Taehyung and I have always been childhood friends? And he was also part of the incident as well?"

He let out a shaky sigh. "Yes (Y/N)...the way you just explained everything from what you saw..even if it's the same exact setting then you can say that it is true.." Yoongi hanged his head low in defeat.

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