Chapter 10.

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That night, you barely slept at all. You layed in bed, staring at the ceiling, overthinking everything.

'Why was Yoongi found at the streets beaten? Or did he really get jumped? Was he drinking? Why did he attacked Taehyung?'

You looked at the clock. '2:19 a.m.' "Great.." Sighing in frustration, you turned on your side and tried falling asleep.

You woke up four hours later to turn off your phone alarm beeping loudly. Quickly turning it off, you forced yourself to get out of bed and not hit the snooze button for five more minutes. You still felt tired from barely sleeping, and felt like crap. Today wasn't starting so great but you made the decision of apologizing to Taehyung for about what happened last night.

You walked downstairs to the kitchen and saw Yoongi unexpectedly making breakfast in the kitchen.
"Yoongi?" Your eyes began to grow in worry. "Why aren't you in bed, you should be resting!"

He turned around and faced you. "I'm making breakfast...cause' you know, it's been a while." He spun back around to cooking some bacon and eggs.

You stood there a bit shocked by what he just said. "But Y-"

"Please, (Y/N). I know I have been acting kind of strange lately, and you probably want an apology."

You crossed your arms and waited there for him to actually apologize, as if he would do so anyways.

"You also probably want a lot of answers right now..." He turned off the stove and faced towards you.

"Hell, no kidding! You literally threw a vase at Taehyung like if he was harassing me or something-"

"(Y/N look, it's hard to's just....that...."

You waited for him to finish his sentence.

He took in a deep breath and breathed out. "(Y/N), it's time you know the truth....."

* * *

Both you and Yoongi sat down together in the living room after the breakfast he made.

You was supposed to be in school by now but Yoongi thought it would be best to stay home with him.
You gave him a warm cup of tea and a blanket. His body was still healing so you thought it would actually be a good idea to stay home to help him.

You sat down next to him and folded your hands. "Alright have my attention."

He took in a deep breath. "I don't know how to explain this to you, so just a heads up, everything is going to come out all at once."

You nodded your head, beginning to grow impatient.

" you're wondering what happened to me last night. Well you see, I was out looking for you, (Y/N). You wasn't home by six thirty and you wasn't picking up any of my phone calls. So I was worried."

You gulped after hearing his first statement.

He continued after receiving your silence. "But that's not the big problem here."

You watched him confusingly as he took out another deep breath. "I went out and continued looking for you but let's just say that I guess wasn't the only one..."

Those choice of words began to make you shift uncomfortably in your spot.

"I didn't think this day would ever come. The man knew who I was so he jumped me...I was jumped. I'm sure he came out from a bar or something due to the smell of his breath and clothing. He knows that you're my little sister, he knows that I'm you're older brother, he knows that we've been living by ourselves for a while, he knows that I'm Min Yoongi, he knows that because-..well...because he's your dad."

You froze. This time you knew that your heart was going to stop beating in a few seconds. "What..are you talking about, Yoongi?.."

"(Y/N)'re my sister, but a half sister. Your dad is still alive, but our mom is dead..." Yoongi choked out not wanting to even dare look at your expression at this very moment.

You chuckled nervously. "D-Don't joke around with me Yoongi. Come one, you know it's not funny to joke about these stuff." Your lips quivered as you took shaky breaths.

You watched him bite the bottom of his lip, not him even inching in any way to react to a "joke" like this.

A tear escapes your eye. "I don't like this joke, Yoongi."

"(Y/N) Please listen to me...this isn't a joke okay!" He raised his voice as a nervous voice of his began to threaten, eating him out to reveal more of the horrifying truth to be told.

You began to shake your head slowly. "N-No...No! Both of our parents are dead, Yoongi! Y-You was also there with me remember?!"

He shook his head as well.

"No, I wasn't was there during the car accident (Y/N)...both of my parents are dead. My father and our birth mother. Your dad is still alive. He spends his half ass wasted life to kill me, just to get revenge. All because since my father was the one that drove the car with you and mom in it, he blames me that mom is dead." Yoongi finished his sentence in a harshful manner, wanting to rage every bit of it.

You couldn't believe what he was saying. "No...No, NO, NO! You shouted. "THIS ISN'T TRUE! PLEASE TELL ME THIS ISN'T TRUE!" Your vision became blurry due to the warm tears that finally made it's way down your face.

Yoongi had finally looked at you with watery eyes in defeat. "..I'm so sorry, (Y/N)"

'No. This is all a Dream. It has to be.'

You ran back upstairs to your room and collapsed on your bed, forcing your eyes shut, hoping to wake up from this nightmare.

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