Chapter 3.

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Another day had rolled by. It was around five a.m on a chilly, Thursday morning and knowing it was a school day, you forced yourself out of bed and got ready.

All there were was just silence lingering downstairs making you confused. You remembered Yoongi's little tantrum which lead to you be a slave for a day and clean up the horrid mess in the kitchen.

It finally came to your mind if he even is here at all. You checked the time from your phone and saw how early it was. Shifting on one foot to another to slip on your slippers, you made your way downstairs to see if Yoongi came back from his job safe and sound.

You reached the last step and walked to the living room and saw a sleeping figure on the couch.


You had an expressionless face when you stuck out your tongue blatantly with a 'bleh' sound.

It wasn't long until you noticed something off about him. He didn't even bother to dress out of his waiter uniform that was covered in coffee stains and had the scent of cinnamon rolls. You could even see the dark circles around his eyes even when he's sound asleep.

What really caught your attention was the fond smell of a familiar scent. The sweet scent of a dessert. You slowly looked down and saw a small box that was decorated with a red ribbon, placed neatly on the little coffee table in front of you.

You brought you hand out and gently moved Yoongi's book bag out the way, and picked up the small dessert box.

No wonder it smelled familiar. It was the smell of a Honey Citron Tea Cheesecake, your most favorite dessert. The one you always loved and admired as a kid, and the one Yoongi hated. It has been ages since you last remembered about trying one.

Did he get this for me?

You thought to yourself when your eyes peeked over to Yoongi who's still in his deep sleep. There's no reason for him to buy this for himself, or even for you if that's the case.

The lid of the box was slightly opened by your fingertips. You wanted to at least get another good look at it before putting it away, but a small letter was taped to the upper part of the lid.

You tilted your head confusingly as you examined it. It looked like Yoongi's handwriting too.

"Here's something I made to reward you for
cleaning up the mess since I knew you would.
Don't eat it too fast you bum."
P.s - don't think about skipping school again.

A sad smile began to creep up on your mouth. You felt a lump forming in your throat when you finished reading the letter from Yoongi. "Such bad handwriting." You giggled.

Yoongi isn't the type to show affection and gratitude out in the open, so you knew this is the only thing he can do. Either way, you were grateful for this dessert from him.

You placed it over on the kitchen counter deciding to eat it after getting ready for school. You hurriedly went upstairs before giving one last look at Yoongi with a soft smile.

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