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In which Prom is coming up and you haven't been asked to prom yet but little do you know of the tricks up your best friend Cameron Dallas' sleeves

Y/N's POV•

"Y/N you still haven't been asked to Prom yet?" Y/F/N #1 asked me. "No." I sighed leaning against my locker. "When I tell you Cam has scared all the boys of asking me to go with them?" I started. "He literally has dudes scared to even look in my direction." I rolled my eyes at his habit to be quite overprotective when it comes to me.

They all giggled.

"Awww that's cute." Y/F/N #2 smirked at me. "Honestly!" Y/F/N #1 giggled. "Not in the way you're thinking. Cam only sees me as his best friend." I shrugged looking down. "I'm still wondering when you both will stop being so scary and just admit that you both got it bad for each other." Y/F/N #2 stated.

Next Friday is Prom.

All of my friends already have dates and I'm the only one that doesn't have one.

I honestly only want to go to Prom if I am going with one person and that's Cameron. My love for him goes beyond just a best friend and it has for years now.

But in all honesty no matter how much I feel for him I'm probably just a little sister in his mind.

I really want him to ask me since the theme for this year is Guys ask Girls. Unless there is a miracle and he somehow actually has feelings for me? Then next Friday I can say "Hola" to my couch, American Horror Story and that tub of ice cream in the freezer because that's where I'm going to be next Friday.

In general, I wouldn't have a problem with that but cmon now, this is PROM we're talking about. It's what kids looked at watching TV prom scenes wishing their prom was like that.

Pulling myself from my thoughts were Cameron and some of the guys from the football team walking over to us. "Hey, guys!" Cam greeted the group with that big bright smile on his face that I had grown to love. He hugged me and I wrapped my arms around his torso hugging him back.

I could hear my friends giggling and I slyly flicked them off from behind his back.

"You guys ready for championships tonight?" I asked them letting go of Cam. "You know we're finna show up and show out like always! Ain't that right boys?" Cameron asked turning around to all his friends.

"HELL YEAH!!" They shouted causing us to laugh.

Shortly after the bell rang signaling us that it was the end of the day. After school I had cheer practice after school and Cameron had football practice. The cheerleaders, band, and football players would be practicing until the game started since this was their big championship game.

Cam was the quarterback for our team and he was really good. He's got quite a few offers out there for him right now for his skills on the field.

"See you at the game?" He asked. "See ya." I waved at him before he went off with his friends chanting our school's team name. I chuckled shaking my head watching him disappear down the hall.

"WHIPPED!" The girls chanted and I smacked them both on the arm. "Owiee!" They both whined in sync. "C'mon let's go!" I laughed.


I got changed in the locker room and changed into my practice clothes.

I grabbed my cheer bag and walked into the gym where the team was already doing their stretches.

"Hey girls!" I chirped walking to my group of friends joining in on the stretching. The group echoed with greetings as I got in the middle of the stretch circle. "Where's coach?" I asked bringing my arm over my chest.

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