Tayler Holder - Sniffing Hunks✔️

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In which you have a celebrity crush on Tayler Holder. Ellen finds out and does something about it

Ellen's POV•
"Hello everyone, this is the Ellen show and I am your host Ellen!" I yelled looking at the camera. "So today we have two very special guests..." I trailed off. "And we have a treat for one of them." I smirked having the audience laugh. "So let's go ahead and bring out Tayler Holder!" I lead the applause by clapping.

Soon Tayler came out and hugged me before we both sat down.

"Hi Tayler, how are you?" I asked him crossing my legs. "I'm great, excited to be here." He grinned having the audience go wild. "Good. So do you know what we're doing today?" I questioned. "Actually no." He admitted sitting back in the chair.

"Well everyone has heard of Y/N right?" I asked looking around. The crowd erupted into screams and cheers. Tayler nodded. "Yes she is a model, singer and actress." I told everyone before looking over to Tayler. "Honestly, what can't she do?" He asked. "Have you heard of her celeb crush?" I asked. "No." He shrugged. "Let's roll some clips." I spoke having a video show on the projector screen behind us.

Tayler's POV

It began to play and it showed Y/N sitting in a chair looking behind the camera.

Wow, she is really gorgeous.

"So who is your celeb crush?" The interviewer asked.

"Tayler Holder, hands down." She said quickly causing the audience to laugh.

She has a crush on me?

Another clip came on.

"Do you have any celebrity crushes?" The interviewer wiggled her eyebrows at Y/N. "Yes." Y/n giggled. "Who?" The interviewer asked. "Tayler Holder." Y/N fanned herself having the audience laugh once more.

Yet another clip came on and Y/N was on the red carpet. "So who is your all time celebrity crush?" The interviewer asked before holding the mic up to Y/N's mouth. "Tayler Holder!" She sang having the audience begin clapping because the end of the video came.

"So as you can see she is a huge fan of Tayler, so we have her backstage right now and she has no idea why she's here, she just thinks it's a regular interview." Ellen said and once she did a hidden camera in her dressing room came on.

She was backstage primping in the mirror causing everyone to laugh.

"Y/N recently let out a new perfume by the name of Y/N/N (Your Nick name) and we're going to test how much she knows her own perfume by having Tayler doused in it and two other men without it." Ellen announced.

"You down Tayler?" Ellen asked. "Most definitely." I nodded.

"So Tayler go ahead and head backstage to get you ready and in a few we will have Y/N on stage! We'll be right back everyone!" Ellen shouted and then we cut to commercial.

This is gonna be interesting.

"Alright Y/N it's time for you to get onstage." The stage manager told me and began leading me outside.

I don't know what I'm doing today because usually they tell us so I guess I'm just gonna wing it.

"Everyone please give a warm welcome to Y/N!" I heard Ellen's voice yell. I heard screams and clapping noises get louder the closer I approached.

I stepped onto stage and Ellen extended her arms as did I. "Hi!" I excitedly said. "Hey!" Ellen squealed.

We pulled back and sat down.

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