Tayler Holder - Drunk Y/N✔️

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^club outfit

In which you have a girls night at the club and end up wasted

Tayler's POV·
I threw the front door to my girlfriend Y/N and I's house before calling out her name.

No answer.


I slowly closed the door and locked it. "Babe?" I called out once more setting my jacket on the hook. "Baby?" I yelled beginning to walk up the stairs.

As I neared our bedroom I heard giggles and furrowed my eyebrows.

"Yes girl ,you already know we finns to get litttt!" I heard her voice sing.


I pushed our bedroom door open. I looked up to see Y/N in a black silk robe sitting on her vanity in our room.

She turned to me and I saw that she was holding her phone up to her ear. She held up one finger in my direction before smiling at me.

"Hey, my man just got home. I'll see you when you get here. Bye." She ended the call.

"Who was that?" I questioned as she walked up to me. "Just Y/F/N. We're having girls night tonight." She wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Does girls night activities include seeing what's underneath this...." I smirked, tugging at the opening of her robe. "No it does not." Y/N teased slowly removing my hand and walking past me.

"You're such a tease." I playfully rolled my eyes as she sashayed into the bathroom. "Only for you baby." She winked before sliding the bathroom door closed.

Y/N's POV·

I walked out of the bathroom and pushed a piece of hair behind my ear.

I searched the room for my black clutch to complete the outfit. "Aha!" I bent down to retrieve the clutch.

I stood up to see Tayler standing in front of me with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Are you serious right now?" He asked. "Really," I gave him a dull bored expression. "I can't get a Baby you look gorgeous." I threw my hands up in exasperation. "That's exactly the problem. You look too good, there's stuff showing and I don't want men being all up on you." He explained.

"Baby, I'm gonna be with the girls all night." I told him truthfully. "But what if a guy tries to do something and I'm not there to beat his a*s?" He depmands.

"Babe, I'll be fine. If anything goes wrong I'll call you. Please just let me have this one night." I pleaded, reaching up and holding his cheek in my hand.

He sighed with his eyes closed. "Fine." He muttered. "But check in every 10 minutes." He stated.


"15, and that's final." He stated. "Okay." I agreed.


Y/F/N honked the horn to her car like a madwoman.

I rushed out of the house and she unlocked the door. "Hop on in girlie!" She squealed. I got in the front seat and greeted my other friends.

I blew a kiss to Tayler who watched me get in the car. He caught it, placing it on his cheek and the car pulled off. I waved out the window at him and he chuckled before going back in the house.


We all yelled and cheered in excitement.

When we stepped in the club it wasn't as hype.

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