FlaminGeos - Prank (Pt.11)✔️

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Y/F/I - your first initial

In which you and your boyfriend Juwany Roman team up to do "the end of us" prank on your friends

Y/N's POV•

"WHAT IS UP YO THE J Y/F/I MAFIAAAA?!" Geo and I yelled at the top of our lungs. "So y'all are probably confused as to why Y/N and I are starting the intro together." Geo said.

"It's because y'all know in general team Y/N take W's all day ERRY day you feel me g?" I stuck my tounge out at the camera and looked to Geo who frowned his lip up. "Yeah right." He rolled his eyes. "We really know it's team Geo up in this thang, y'know what I'm saying?" He pointed to himself.

I scrunched my face up and pushed his face away from me and out of the frame.

"Anyways!" We laughed. "But whether you're on team Y/N or Geo when we come together we're stronger than ever." I explained.

"So today we invited Nick, Bryce, Edwin and Zach over tonight so we can do the "Breaking Up" in front of company prank." Geo told the camera.

"So we still tryna brainstorm ideas to make it easy to believe..." Geo said. "Why would we ever break up?" He looked over to me with confusion evidently painted on his face.

"Because you did something stupid." I snorted. He scoffed, "Rude." He pushed me over. I laughed and we finished the intro.

"So yeah guys they should be here in a few minutes and yeah. We're gonna go set up the cameras and get it Poppin." We threw up peace signs and set up the cameras.

I saw an Uber pull up outside and that's when we knew it was time.

"Follow my lead." I told Geo before throwing the door open.

15 minutes later/////

Zach's POV•

Edwin, Geo, Nick, Bryce and I were playing Fortnite on the PS4. Y/N was in the bathroom when we heard a loud irritated sigh come from that room.

Then footsteps get closer to the living room.

"You are honestly so annoying!" Y/N said out of frustration as she stomped her way into the living room.

My eyebrows raised in confusion

"What now?" Geo rolled his eyes his eyes trained on the screen. "Geo are you seriously trying to get an attitude with me right now?!" Y/N scoffed. "You can learn to get an attitude when you learn to stop leaving pee on the damn toilet seat!" She snapped.

I looked to the guys to see them all looking back at me with the same look. Confusion.

"Okay it's my f*cking house I can do whatever the f*ck I want." Geo rolled his eyes. "You're disgusting." Y/N shook her head in disbelief.

"It's not like you're the cleanest person either Y/N! Every time I try to take a shower at your place I see chunks of hair covering the shower floor." He argued. "Like can you clean up after yourself for once?!" He asked.

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