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inspired by Grayson's actual wisdom teeth video

In which your boyfriend Grayson is getting his wisdom teeth removed. You ask his brother Ethan to come along for moral support

Y/N's POV•

"What's up, guys?" Grayson did the intro to their YouTube channel. "We're back and this is a pretty different type of video." Ethan said. "I'm going to get my wisdom teeth removed right now and I'm kind of nervous..." Grayson trailed off. "So for all of you that don't know when you get your wisdom teeth removed they normally give you medicine that makes you go to sleep and when you wake up you're all loopy." Ethan said but was cut off by Grayson. "I guess that's gonna happen to me, I don't know I've never been put to sleep or anything before so it's like weird." Grayson admitted doing a tiny shiver.

"Right now we're on our way to the uh--" Ethan paused looking for words. "Teeth doctor guy." Grayson finished his sentence. I picked up the boys earlier this morning in my car and we drove here.

"We got our getaway driver Y/N, say hi baby!" Grayson turned the camera to me. "Hi kiddos!" I grinned waving at the camera. "She decided to come along for the ride." Ethan added. "Yeah, I'm not missing the chance to see Grayson doped up." I snickered. "Hey! Future Grayson says that's not nice because of the condition he's in." Grayson said referring to his state after the surgery. "Ion even think he's gonna be able to say all of that with all of the pain going on." I snickered. Ethan then mocked Grayson having his eyes roll to the back of his head and groaning in pain.

We died laughing and Grayson turned to the camera pouting.

"I'm nervous and you guys aren't helping me." He whined. "Oh hush you'll be fine." I reached over with one hand ruffling his hair resulting in him smiling. I pulled into the parking lot, parked the car and unplugged my keys from the ignition.

 "Alright, boys let's go." I said.

We got out of the car and walked into the dentist's office. Grayson held the door open and I thanked him and began to walk up to the front desk.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" The receptionist asked as her lips curled into a bright smile on her face. "Hi we're here for Grayson Dolan, He has an appointment scheduled for 12:30." I told her grabbing Grayson's arm and bringing him next to me.

"Okay, The doctor should be with you shortly. You can sit and wait to be called." She gestured to the waiting area. "Thank you." I nodded and we found seats.

I was in between Grayson and Ethan.

As soon as Grayson's butt hit the seat he began bouncing his leg up and down. I noticed a while ago that it was something did when he was nervous or anxious about something. A look of worry was painted on his face.

"Gray?" I called resulting in him turning his head to me. "You're gonna be fine." I reassured him. "I don't know, I'm so nervous" Grayson said bouncing his leg up and down something he often did when he was scared or something bugged him.

"Hey," I called to him causing his head to turn to me. "You're gonna be fine." I reassured him putting my hand on his leg. He nodded and leaned in to kiss me.

I smiled when his lips touched mine. "Ew!" Ethan shrieked making us pull apart. "Get a room!" He narrowed his eyes at us. "Oh hush up." I smacked his arm and he whined from the impact rubbing his arm.

We talked amongst ourselves until a door flew open and revealed a lady in a nurses outfit. "Grayson Dolan?" She called reading from her clipboard. Grayson's face paled and we stood up.

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