Jonah Marais - Naughty Girl✔️

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s/o to one of my friends for help on this one <3

In which you make your boyfriend Jonah Marais jealous by flirting with another student

Y/N's POV•
I tapped my chin in thought as I looked around my closet.

My face formed into a smirk when I saw a high waisted Forrest green skirt.

This will be perfect.

Jonah Marais ,who is my teacher and boyfriend, has been in a relationship with me for a couple months.

He was talking with one of his teacher colleagues who let me state the fact of being a female.

She was all up on him and I didn't like it one bit.

The thing that really pissed me off was Jonah not telling her to move or anything. He claimed he didn't want to be suspicious so he didn't stop her.

He said I was overreacting.

We're going to put that theory to the test and today I'm going to make him jealous in return by doing the exact same thing.

I'm going to wear triggering clothes too, so I can be even more evil.

I wore a tight black form fitting crop top with my skirt, gold hoop earrings and my hair in a half up half down style.

It's go time.

"Hey Y/N!" Y/F/N grinned at me as I approached my locker. "Hey girl!" I waved opening it. "Damn Y/N you looking like a whole snack." Y/F/N whistled.

"Oh stop." I playfully flipped my hair as we both laughed. "I'm only looking this good because I want to make Jonah jealous." I whispered.

"Spill it." She said. I informed her of the plan and afterwards she had a devilish grin on her face.

The bell then rang signaling my cue.

"That's my cue." I stated. She pushed me towards Jonah's classroom.

"Go get em' tiger!" She said.

I chuckled telling her bye before taking a deep breath and walking in the classroom.

"Good morning everyone." I waved as I sat down in my chair. Boys shot me lustrous looks and I smirked while walking to my seat. "Hey Y/N!" Different replies ranged throughout the room.

I looked to Jonah out of the corner of my eye to see him gaping at me like a fish out of water.

I held back my snicker while walking slowly for effect.


"Good morning Mrs. Y/L/N please have a seat." Jonah shot me a look. I knew my clothing was getting to him by the look on his face.

"My pleasure, Mr.Marais." I said his name slowly because I knew that drove him wild.

He cleared his throat and I took a seat.

I didn't sit in my normal seat where I sat next to Jonah's desk, I chose the seat next to the quarterback of the team, Rodney Grey's. I knew he had a thing for me and I was not interested at all. I was just going to play with him in front of Jonah.

He fell right into my trap smiling at me.

"Hello there." He winked sitting back in his seat.

"Hi." I waved giggling.

Jonah's POV•

Y/N looked so good right now.

That crop-top accentuated her upper curves while the skirt worked it's magic on her bottom.

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