Daniel Veda - Piano Lessons✔️

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In which your good friend and crush Daniel Veda teaches you how to play the piano

Y/N's POV•

I made my way through the now empty hallways of my highschool. I strutted to the band hall and entered. Once I did soothing piano music began to fill the halls. I knew it was Daniel.

He was a great piano player and had agreed to teach me how to play since I asked.

I may or may not have a huge crush on Daniel......

Okay, I lied I do have a huge crush.

We're pretty good friends and this was our first time tutoring.

I let the music filled my ears as I slowly creaked the door open it becoming louder. I grinned when I saw him working his magic with the keys on the piano.

I leaned against the door frame with my arms crossed over my chest.

He was playing Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata.

Not one single note was missed throughout the whole song. His back was towards me but from where I stood I could see that he put passion into his playing.

When he was done I put my hands together beginning to clap for him. He flinched at the sudden loud sound and turned to me. He grinned "Hey!". I waved. "That was reeeaaally good." I dragged out the word walking to him.

"Soon you are going to be able to do that you just need the right motivation and practice." he told me. "I'm ready." I put on a serious face. "Let's get to it then." he chuckled.


He had drawn a large piano diagram and other musical things on the board. I had placed a chair next to the board and sat in it.

"Okay so first off I want you to look at all of the keys on the piano." he said. I did as I was told and looked over the black and white rectangles drawn with the EXPO marker.

"How many keys does it look like it has?" he asked. "Ur..." I trailed off looking at them again. "74?" I guessed a random number.

"No," he chuckled. "There are 88 keys on the piano. 52 white and 36 black." he informed me. "Damn." I breathed.

"Seems like a-lot huh?" he questioned. "Yeah," I nodded. "How does someone even learn different 88 keys? There aren't even that many letters in the alphabet!" I continued.

"You see in music there are only 7 letters." he stated. "What?" I asked confused. He chuckled once more. "The notes are A,B,C,D,E,F,G and once you hit G it starts over and goes back to A" he explained pointing to them on the board. I nodded slowly. "Plain notes without any flats or sharps are called naturals." He told me.

"All of the white keys--" he ran his stick along the white keys on the board. "Are naturals, the black keys are either sharps or flats." he finished. "What is a sharp and what is a flat?" I asked.

"A sharp is a note that means higher in pitch," he said. "A flat means lower in pitch." he finished.

"Think of it like this if your pencil is sharp then that means the led is high, if your pencil is flat then that means it is dull or low." he explained.

"A flat sign looks like this, A sharp sign looks like this and A natural sign looks like this" he pointed to the labels on the board.

I nodded my head in understanding.

"Now I want you to look at the black keys." he instructed me. I did and noticed they were all in little groups.

"What do you notice about them?" he asked. "I see that they are all in groups of two's and three's" I said.

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