Cameron Dallas - Car Wash✔️

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^your fit

In which you and your boyfriend Cameron Dallas wash his car with a twist


I woke up to birds chirping outside my window. I groaned and chucked a pillow at my window causing them to fly away. I smirked to myself happy that they were finally gone. I rested my head back on my pillow and began drifting back to sleep until---


I shrugged and tried to put myself in my tired mode once more-----

Ding Ding

I groaned and covered my ears with my pillow.

Ding Ding Ding-----

I yelled in frustration and eventually the dinging stopped. 


"What?" I growled lowly into the phone without checking the caller ID. "Well good morning to you too." My boyfriend Cameron piped from the phone. "You're way too hype for it to be---" I pulled my phone from my ear to check the time. "11 o'clock in the morning." I finished sitting up. "It's because I'm talking to you." He cheesily said. I gagged at his cheesiness causing him to laugh.

"Anyways so are you doing anything today?" He asked. "Well, actually I'm going to be pretty busy today."  I stated nonchalantly looking at my nails. "Oh, really?" Cameron asked sounding disheartened. "Yep, lots of breathing and blinking to do. It really takes a toll on me." I teased.

I heard his melodious chuckle fill my ears. "Well, could you possibly fit me into your busy schedule?" He asked. "Hmmm...." I trailed off tapping my chin. "Depends. What are we doing on this hot summer day?" I asked. "Hanging at my place while washing my car?" He suggested awaiting my response.

"Can we get Chinese after?" I asked. "Yes." He answered. "I'll be there in 10." I told him before hanging up.


I fluffed my ponytail on the top of my head and adjusted the white shirt over my swimsuit one piece. I then stepped out of my car. I walked up to his door and knocked on it.

Seconds later the door flew open and revealed Cameron with a grin on his face. "Hey baby." He pulled me to him and leaned down pecking my lips.

I grinned into the kiss as he repetitively placed his lips on mine.

He lead me into the house and I put my things down.

Cam and I filled up buckets with water and soap. I headed over to the cabinet and bent over grabbing towels.

As I did so I felt a stinging sensation on my butt.

"Cameron!" I shrieked popping up. "I had to, it was there." He laughed while shrugging. "I know because you just can't keep your hands off of me." I smirked walking past him. "I think it's YOU that can't keep YOUR hands off of me." He crossed his arms over his chest. "Hm, so sure are we?" I asked a hint of mischievousness in my eyes. "Yes." He confidently stated. "Alright, then let's see which of us can go longer without touching the other." I suggested. "What does the winner get?" He asked. "Whatever they want and the loser can't say no." I stated. Cameron smirked. "Deal." he said. Okay." I grinned, accepting the challenge before walking outside.

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