Brendan North - How You Guys Met✔️

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In which you meet Brendan for the first time

Y/N's POV•

I smiled as I entered the park grounds.

I came to the park when I needed to clear my head from my everyday life and to just take a step back and enjoy nature.

I had my art supplies with me because I felt like drawing.

I found a tree that was surrounded by bushes that held an array of different kinds of colored flowers .

I placed my things down and sat down against the tree. I opened all of my art supplies and brought my knees up to my chest.

I opened my sketch pad and flipped a couple of pages to get to a blank sheet.

I looked around and set my eyes on a rose bush.

I then began to sketch putting my full concentration on that bush and how it looked.

I was in my zone drawing when I heard the click of a camera. My head suddenly shot up and in the direction of the click.

I saw a boy who had light golden brown hair that was styled into a quiff and his eyes were a bright sky blue. His jawline was so sharp that it could cut you if you touched it.

I was too busy studying his face that I hadn't noticed he had started speaking.

"I probably look like a creep right now..." he brought the camera down nervously chuckling after seeing my confused expression.

"Um yeah?" I said more as a question than as a statement. "You're just randomly taking pictures of people without permission." I told him in a matter of fact tone crossing my arms over my chest.

"I'm sorry.." he trailed off scratching the back of his neck.

"It's just that where you were, In that position you looked so real." he started off but was cut off by me. "Er...I'm human. I should look real." I stated laughing internally at his state of nervousness.

"Well I know that. It's just, you looked so beautiful that I had to capture that moment." his words took me by surprise.

"Oh..." I trailed off not really sure of what to say. "Thanks stalker." I told him a smirk on my face.

He rolled his eyes in a playful manner.

"So you're labeling me as a stalker now?" He asked laughing. "Well you were taking pictures of someone from a distance without them knowing so you left me no choice." I cocked an eyebrow an amusing look on my face.

"Fair enough." He nodded.

Silence then fell upon us.

"So yeah ,I'll delete it. Sorry again." He said before grabbing his bookbag and beginning to walk off. "Wait!" I called out stopping him.

He slowly turned around to face me.

"You can stay." I told him.

"You're allowing the stalker to stalk you?" he asked his voice filled with amusement. "Yes." I rolled my eyes.

He grinned widely and I went back to my drawings.

He took a wide variety of pictures of me each of them making a different statements.

I posed while doing silly faces having him laugh and click away.

"These are so good." I told him looking through his camera at the pictures he took. "Thank you, I take profess---" he began but was cut off by me. "I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about me." I teased him with a roll of my eyes.

"Oh..." He looked to the ground having me burst out laughing. "Kidding!" I nudged him in the shoulder. "Oh!" He said in realization his cheeks turning a crimson red.

We admired the pictures for a little while longer. "I'm Brendan by the way." He spoke holding his hand out for me to shake.

"Y/N." I told him placing my hand in his.

We smiled at each other still shaking hands like fools saying nothing.

"Welp see ya stalker." I waved to the guy named Brendan I had just met after grabbing my stuff.

He chuckled, "See ya Y/N".

5 years later...


"And that's the story of how mommy and daddy met." I finished pulling up the covers to one of my two children's necks.

"Wow." they both said in exasperation.

"Yeah, if daddy would've never took that picture then none of this would have ever happened." I gestured to everything around us.

"Mommy?" my other child piped up.
"Yes?" I asked. "Do you love daddy?" Y/C/N asked me. "Yes, I love daddy very much." I nodded pulling the covers up on the other bed.

"And I love mommy very much as well." A voice spoke from behind me. I bit my lip trying to suppress the smile that was trying to break free. Arms were wrapped around my waist and a chin was placed on my shoulder.

"Mommy is my queen." Brendan said a small smile on his face. "And daddy is my king." I smiled leaning my forehead on his

"Ew!" Y/D/N shrieked. "Mommy and Daddy that's gross!" Y/S/N cried.

We chuckled. "Goodnight my little angels." I cooed pressing my lips onto both of my children's faces. "Sleep well and don't let the bed bugs bite." Brendan tickled them in their sides having them squeal.

"Goodnight Mommy and Daddy!" They chimed together.

"Goodnight kids." I flicked the light in their bedroom off.

We closed the door and headed to our rooms.

"You know what's funny?" Brendan asked slipping his basketball shorts down. "What?" I asked pulling back the blankets. "The way we ended up here." he stated laughing taking his shirt off. "What do you mean?" I chuckled taking my slippers off. "I mean If I had never taken that picture of you and if you had never heard it, then we would never have been here." he explained getting into the bed. "I would have never met the love of my life...." I ran my finger down his chisled jaw. "And I would have never met mine." Brendan said before placing his soft lips to mine.

(A/N: AW DAS CUTE! I love y'all 🔽🔽🔽🔽

(A/N: AW DAS CUTE! I love y'all 🔽🔽🔽🔽

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