FlaminGeos - Prank (Pt.4)✔️

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Back at it again with the FlaminGeos pranks😂😂

In which you do a prank on your boyfriend that you are pregnant


"WHAT IS UP Y/N NATIONNNNNN?!" I yelled loudly. "TODAY , is a good day" I smirked at the camera. "TODAY , I will be pranking my boyfriend Juwany with this" I said holding up a pregnancy test that I had bought from the store.

"I bought this a couple of minutes ago so I could do the I'm pregnant prank on Geo" I said.

"Now you're probably like Y/N that's mean but last week he did the cheating prank on me and that had me fifty shades of fucked up" I stated blatantly.

"So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna set it up in the living room and I'm going to draw an extra line since two lines is positive ,so I'll see you guys in a bit" I said and closed the camera.


"So I have the pregnancy test ready, and the cameras are all set up" I said to the vlog camera I was using. "Let me call Geo and see where he is" I said.

I dialed his number and he picked up within the second ring. "Yeah?" He asked. "Hey, uh where are you?" I asked sticking my tounge out at the camera. "Um getting ready to pull into your sub-division" he told me. "Why?" He asked. "Er just wondering. I kind of have something important I wanted to talk about" I told him shyly. "Oh, are you okay?" He asked me. "Yeah I'm fine" I said. "I just want you here" I whined through the phone.

He chuckled. "Okay baby girl I'm on my way" he told me. "Okay bye" I said. "Bye" he hung up.

"Okay so he should be here in a couple of minutes so I'm going to go put this camera up and start filming from the others" I told the camera. I tossed the other camera in my room and ran into the living room when I heard a ring of the doorbell.

I quickly shut all of the cameras on and ran to the door.

I adjusted my tank top and shorts,fluffed my hair and swung the door open.

"H---" I began to greet Geo but was cut off when he swept me off of my feet, literally.

"Geo!" I squealed hearing him lock the door.

He had me over his shoulder and he threw me down on the couch. He soon hovered over me.

"Yes ,mi amor" he spoke in his sexy Spanish accent bringing his head down planting soft kisses on my cheek.

"I have to tell you something" I giggled trying not to focus on the fact that he was distracting me.

"What do you have to tell me?" He sat up from me and I missed his soft lips against my skin.

I sat up as well criss-cross in front of him. His legs were open so I sat in them facing him. His hands were behind him holding him up.

I looked him deeply in the eyes. "What?" He asked laughing slightly. "You're scaring me" he told me.

"Don't be scared" I told him resting my hand on his thigh. "I should be the one scared" I spoke.

Geo's POV

What the fuck?

What does she mean she should be scared?

"What do you mean? What is it that you need to tell me?" I asked now eager to know what it was.

She pulled a retangle shaped box from behind her back with velvet covering it. I looked at her weirdly and she just smiled. "Go on" she urged me. I did as she said and lifted it up.

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