Aaron Carpenter - Becky Anderson (Pt.1)

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In which your boyfriend of 6 months Aaron Carpenter wants you to meet his mom

1 week ago

It was a Friday and Aaron and I wanted to have a chill/hangout type night. So we were both currently in our PJ's cuddling in the living room.

In the apartment, the living room had an L shaped couch. I laid on one half of the couch while Aaron's legs laid on the other half and his head on my lap. His left hand rested on my leg intertwined with mine. While the other rested on his stomach and my right hand ran through his hair.

We sat in a comfortable silence watching TV.

Soon it went on commercial and as soon as it did Aaron turned to me.

He looked me over before looking me in the eyes and squeezing my hand.

"I love you." He told me, sincerely. "I love you too baby." I leaned down and pecked his lips repeatedly.

"So I was thinking...." He trailed off switching the roles and beginning to play with my hair.

"Yeah..." I egged him on. "We've been together for a while now and I was thinking, what if you met my mom?" He asked.

I stopped and pondered that thought.

"You want me to meet your mom?" I asked my lips twitching up into a smile as I looked down at him. "You are the two most important people in my life, of course I want you two to meet." He grinned bringing his hand to my cheek. "Okay." I nodded.

He pulled my face to his and planted his lips on mine.


Aaron and I were going to Louisiana today to meet his mom. We had just landed and were now walking off of the plane.

As soon as we stepped off the plane our jackets and hoods went on. Aaron pulled me closer to him by protectively wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

I held his torso with my other hand and held my head down as he lead us through the airport and to the car.

Security was walking around us the whole time just in case. The paparazzi swarmed us with flashing lights and cameras attempting to get in our faces.

I brought my hand up to cover my eyes, trying to get a glimpse of where I was walking.

We got in a black range Rover and sped off as quick as we came.

We decided on staying at Aaron's mom's house rather than getting a hotel room.

It took us about 30 minutes to arrive at Becky's house and it wasn't until we got into the driveway that I began to panic.

It wasn't until now that I realized the gravity of the situation.

I'm going to meet Aaron's mom.

This is my one shot that I have to impress her.

What if I blow it and she doesn't like me and thinks I'm bad for her son?

Oh, god. Oh, god.

When I'm stressed I tend to bounce my leg up and down, so you bet that it was high in the sky by now.

Before I could stress myself out any more I felt a hand rest on my thigh and give it a gentle squeeze.

I turned to see Aaron looking at me with his soft, hazel colored eyes.

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