Daniel Seavey - Abuse✔️

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In which your best friend finds out you are being abused

Last Night

"Ma, it was one bad grade." I tried to reason with her. "You are such an idiot! That's the best you can do are you serious?" My mom asked throwing the paper with my 75 on it at my face. "I'm sorry." I croaked on the verge of tears. "No I'm sorry I made that big of a mistake by bringing your ugly a*s into this world." She spat.

"You don't mean that." I swallowed. "Don't tell me what I mean and don't mean!" Mom shouted. "You're my mother, I love you and you love me." Tears streamed down my cheeks. "NO I DON'T! YOU WERE AN ACCIDENT!" She yelled gripping onto my arm digging her nails into my flesh.

"Mom that hurts!" I winced trying to pry her hand from my arm but her grip was too strong. "SHUT UP!" She screeched at the same time her fist came into contact with my face.

Flashback Over/////

Ever since dad's death she blamed me. This was nothing new, this was just a snippet of everything I go through on a daily basis.

There'd be bruises and wounds covering every inch of my body from head to toe.

Why don't I get help? Some may ask. It's much harder than that.

For one I don't want to go into foster care or adoption and never be wanted.

Teachers don't give two s*its about your personal life and neither does anyone else where I live. How am I supposed to approach a teacher? "Yeah, my mom beats me 24/7."


So I keep quiet and live life miserable.

Have I thought of ending it all to end my pain and suffering?


But then I think of the only thing that makes a smile appear on my face. The only one that truly cares about me.

Daniel Seavey.

My best and only friend since my father's death.

He has been there for me when I needed it. My shoulder to lean on and my inspiration to keep on pushing through this horrible life.

He claims that he doesn't know what he'd do without me but it's completely the other way around.

I love Daniel as more than just a best friend, but I've been through a-lot that I just don't know if I'm ready to hop into a relationship . Plus he might not even like me in that way and it's going to be embarassing if I confess and he looks at me like I've got 3 heads.

I looked at the clock on my nightstand and saw that it was 7:45.

"Oh S*it I'm gonna be late!" I scrambled around the room looking for an outfit.

I grabbed my backpack with all my things stuffed in it and ran downstairs.

I got on the bus and plugged my headphones in.

The bus stopped once again and a smile grew on my face when Daniel approached me.

"Hey Y/N/N!" He used his embarassing nickname that he created for me.

"Ew no. I hate it when you call me that." I whined covering my face with my hands. "That's why I do it." Daniel smirked pulling my hands from my face and pecking my nose.

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