Flamingeos - Prank (Pt.10)✔️

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In which your boyfriend Flamingeos literally gives you a taste of your own medicine and does the female viagra prank on you


I woke up from my short nap with a clothed chest in my face. I squinted my eyes to adjust to my surroundings. Geo and I were cuddling in his bed watching Martin when I fell asleep.

I opened my mouth and a yawn fell from my lips.

Dang, my mouth was dry.

I lifted my head up and looked up at him. "And the beautiful princess awakes from her slumber." He teased. "Shut up." I laughed. "Hey?" I piped up "Hmm?" He hummed. "My throat is kind of dry could you get me something to drink?" I asked him. "Yeah sure, you want a gatorade?" He asked. "Yes, please." I lazily grinned. "Okay." He kissed my forehead and stood from the bed

He walked out of the room and disappeared from my sight.

I turned and unplugged my phone from the charger then started scrolling through my social media's.


"Okay, you guys I need to do this intro really quick because I don't have a-lot of time. So I got some female V.I.A.G.R.A a couple days ago because I wanted to get Y/N back so I'm finna put some in her drink and yeah man let's get it." I whispered to the camera.

I crushed the pills and opened her Gatorade before dumping them in there.

I then put a straw in it and walked back to my room. I hid the camera behind her and extended my hand so she could take the drink. "One gatorade for the lovely lady." I bent down to her level.

"Thank you my kind sir." She giggled putting her phone down. I walked up to the TV and discreetly put the camera down in front. "What are you doing?" Y/N questioned causing me to freeze in place. "I was tryna find the remote." I lied looking around. "The remotes right here silly." Y/N waved the remote in my face. "Ooops." I nervously chuckled.

I sat down next to her and watched as she sipped from the straw.

I smirked to myself and waited for the reaction.

10 minutes later////

"Oh my god," I breathed fanning my face. "It's so hot." I rasped. "Maybe if you drink some more it'll help." Geo said. I drunk more and soon it was gone.

All of a sudden ya girls kitty cat started feeling a little funny.

I scratched that area and began moving around. "Y/N what are you doing?" Geo asked amusement in his voice. "I'm really hot and I don't know why." I flailed around uncomfortably.

Suddenly I felt my panties dampen.

Oh sh*t , I know what that means...

Geo's POV

I looked to y/ns drink to see that she had drank all of it.

I smirked to myself and suddenly I felt a weight in my lap. I looked down to see Y/N smiling at me while straddling my lap.

She started running her hands up and down my arms and to where she cupped my neck in her hand.

She brought my face to hers and kissed me.

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