Daniel Seavey - Best Part✔️

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In which your boyfriend Daniel is a coma and you wake him by singing your favorite song to him


I pulled into the hospital parking lot for the 2 time today.

My boyfriend Daniel was currently in a coma. He has been in it for almost two weeks now. I come here 2 times during the day.

First time is the morning, second is dinner.

When he wakes up he's paying for 2 weeks worth of gas.

I parked in reserved parking and walked into the hospital.

I went to the front desk to see Linda ,a lady that I became close with while Daniel was here, to get my hospital pass.

"Hello Ms.Y/N!" Linda waved. "Hey Linda!" I grinned. "Here's your pass." She handed me my hospital pass so that I could enter Daniel's room without a problem.

"Thanks! Bye!" I waved walking to the elevator. I selected his floor and went all the way up.

I walked to his room and scanned the barcode. A ding ran through my ears meaning the door was open.

I pushed it open and walked over to the bed where he laid.

He still looked perfect as ever. Not one single flaw on him.

With his dark brown colored hair, ocean blue eyes that were obscured from my view and a little button nose.

"Hey babe." I cooed putting my bags down. I grabbed the bag that had my dinner in it and pulled a chair up next to the bed. After I sat down I placed the bag on my lap.

I opened my chicken, steak and shrimp hibachi allowing the aroma to fill the room.

"I high-key feel guilty about eating this right in front of you." I sheepishly admitted as I opened my soy sauce.

"But at the same time I'm too hungry to care." I shrugged before putting it on my rice as well as my pink sauce.

"WHAT THE FREAK?!" I screeched as I looked in my bag. "These mother freakers only put one pink sauce in here." I grunted tossing my bag to the side.

"I'm sending an angry email." I rolled my eyes before stuffing my face with food.

"So anyways how was your day?" I asked. "Probably not good (as usual) because the nurses give you shots every five seconds and I know how much you hate them." I sighed. "But that's why I come here every day so your day won't be as boring." I added eating a piece of shrimp.

"And the doctor told me that you can hear me so you are forced to listen to me rant. MWAHAHA!!!" I evilly laughed. "So let me tell you what happened today---" I began telling him all that happened when I wasn't at the hospital.

"That lady was for real trying to square up like sit yo wanna be prune looking a*s up outta here." I snickered wiping my fingers with a napkin.

"Now that I think about it, when you wake up you need to go thank Linda. She is the sweetest front desk lady I have ever met in my life. Sometimes I have random mental breakdowns because you're not here to calm me and Linda has held me through each of them." I explained.

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