FlaminGeo's - Prank (Pt.7)✔️

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In which your boyfriend Juwany Roman pranks you as if he was dead


"WHAT IS UP FLAMIN FAMMMMMMMMMMM?!?!?!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. "It is your boy FlaminGeos coming to you with another prank on my girlfriend Y/N." I smirked at the camera.

"Today Team Juwany is taking home a W today and Team Y/N is being handed the L." I stated. "I got the fake blood out and today I'm doing the Dead Boyfriend prank on her." I held up the fake blood up to the camera.

"I have to admit, she has been getting me good lately." I shrugged thinking about all of the pranks Y/N had recently did on me. "But all that ends today." I smirked. "So what I'm going to do is I'mma fill the bathtub in my room up with water , put some blood in the water and rub some blood on the wall and make like blood hand prints on the wall so it looks like I fell and tried to grab onto the wall but failed miserably and busted my head." I explained.

"So I told Y/N I was hungry to give myself more time to get ready so she should be here in about 10 minutes so let's get started." I rubbed my hands together.

I poured fake blood on the bathtub floor and then filled it up with water. I poured fake blood on my hands and then put my hands on the wall, dragging them down. I put some blood on myself and around my shirt. As well as everywhere else I put some on my arms in little lines so it could look like I cut myself.

"Just to be extra, I'mma grab a knife to make it look like I cut myself." I told the camera.

There was now bloody water in the bathtub, bloody hand marks and blood on me.

"Alright you guys so I'm going to set up the camera and get in the tub." I said putting down the camera where Y/N couldn't see it.

I then eased myself into the tub and put my arm over the ledge.

"Let's get it!"


I rang on Geo's doorbell which is what I usually do before I use my key so I won't scare him by just busting into his house.

No response.

I pulled out my key and unlocked the door to his apartment.

"Geo?" I questioned as I walked in.


Cocking an eyebrow I placed my bags down and began heading up the stairs. "Babe?" I questioned inching towards his room.

The door was already open.

"Geo are you in the bath----" I trailed off gasping once I stepped in his room.

I stood in the doorway of his room and tears pooled in my eyes at what I saw.

Geo laid unconscious in the blood filled tub located in his bathroom.

There were bloody hand prints on the wall along the ones on the floor.

His eyes were closed and his clothes and arms were covered in line shaped gashes.

My eyes then trailed to the knife in his hand.

"BABE!" I yelled breaking into a sprint and crouching down next to the tub.

"Bae," I called resting my hand on his bloody cheek. "Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God." I muttered pacing around the room.

What do I do?

I rushed back over to the tub and took his pulse. He still has one, that's a good sign. "Oh thank God." I sighed.

I threw my jacket off so I wouldn't have things in my way.

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