Chapter 6

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"NARUTO AND SASUKE UCHIHA GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!!!" Mikoto yelled from the kitchen.

Fugaku sweat dropped at his wife's actions, Itachi fell off his bed at the sudden yell and both Naruto and Sasuke woke up slightly alerted but still drowsy.

"Hai~" Naruto and Sasuke said in unison as they sluggishly made their way down stairs.

"What is it kaa-san?" Sasuke asked yawning while Naruto stood beside him rubbing his right eye.

"An ANBU just came by saying that the Hokage wishes to see you for a mission." Mikoto explained while putting plates on the table.

Is that any reason to yell at us?. Naruto and sasuke both thought sweat dropping. Naruto stretched his arms, "right. I'll go take a shower first." Naruto declared and slowly walked up the stairs.

"Hurry it up. The ANBU said immediately," Mikoto said and Naruto quickened his pace, "bit faster, Naruto."

Naruto sighed and ran up the stairs making his mother nod in satisfaction while Sasuke double sweat dropped.

After an hour they finished and were ready to go as always Sasuke was wearing his usual clothes while Naruto was wearing his new clothes that he had purchased.

Naruto grabbed his kunai pouch, then he put a genjutsu so the hokage wouldn't see the Uchiha crest on the back of his sleeveless jacket.

"Ready to go Naruto-nii?" Sasuke asked as he walked over to the door.

"Sure am!" Naruto grinned and placed his hand on Sasuke's shoulder. They said their goodbyes to their parents and Itachi who was still half asleep and disappeared in a black flash.

Naruto and Sasuke appeared at the front of the hokages office. Naruto knocked and heard a faint 'come in'.

When they both came in both Sakura nor Kakashi were there, yet.

"Hn, first one in." Sasuke said keeping his usual Uchiha composure.

"Hey, Sasuke after this D-rank mission or something what do you wanna do?" Naruto asked

"Hmmm. Well." Sasuke began until he remembered the discussion he had with his parents when Naruto was gone to shop for new clothes.

"Mother and father are giving you an eye transplant so that you truly a part of the Uchihas." He whispered into Naruto's ear so that the Hokage wouldn't hear.

"Eh?" Naruto let out after a minute of processing what Sasuke had just said, "that's both cool and creepy."

Sasuke nodded in agreement.

Naruto sighed, he sat on the floor leaning against the wall and closed his eyes. Sasuke leaned against the wall spinning a kunai on his index finger.

A few minutes later Sakura arrived and soon Kakashi arrived too.

"Now that you're all here," Minato began and his expression turned serious, "you'll be doing a C-rank mission."

There was a knock on the door, "come in!" Minato exclaimed.

Seconds later a drunkard came in with a bottle of sake in his hand. "This is Tazuna. He is a bridge builder and the client you'll be protecting." Minsto explained.

"Are ya' kiddin' me?" Tazuna asked hiccuping midway, "these brats... are s'pose to be protectin' me?"

"Look at em'! One of em' is evn asleep!" Tazuna hissed and was about to touch Naruto when suddenly Naruto's eyes shot open.

Naruto grabbed Tazuna's wrist and gripped in tightly while letting out a low growl. Tazuna winced in pain as he was driven against the wall with a kunai to his neck.

That's what you get for messing with Naruto-nii. Sasuke thought trying to hold his laughter in.

"Naruto stop!" Kakashi and Minsto barked in unison.

"You're supposed to be protecting him, not trying to kill him!" Minato yelled.

Naruto put his kunai away, released Tazuna and joined Sasuke and Sakura on the other side of the room with a scowl.

How did Naruto know that Tazuna was going to touch him? He was asleep. Minato thought and more and more questions raced into his mind.

Minato shook his head and looked at everyone in the room, "you all know what to do now," Minsto said, "you're all dismissed."

"Alright team we head out in ten." Kakashi said disappeared.

Sakura said her farewell to the Hokage, Sasuke and Naruto and left as well.

Naruto and Sasuke were just about to leave by using the window. "Wait! Naruto stay here for a second." Minato ordered earning a sigh from the blond haired teen.

Naruto gestured for Sasuke to leave him.

"What do you need Hokage-sama?" Naruto asked trying to keep his calm and collected composure.

"Where have you been for these past two days?" Minato asked.

"I thought the Uchihastold you? Oh wait, you guys don't listen. I suggest you get your ears cleaned before you ask such a stupid question." Naruto spat.

"Not like you guys ever listen anyway. I've told you all so many times that the villagers torture me, but oh well. See you around, Hokage." Naruto finished.

Naruto then left, using the window, leaving Minsto alone with even more questions facing into his mind.

Minato shook the thoughts out of his mind and went back to doing paperwork.

"I'm home!" Naruto yelled extending the 'o'.

"Welcome home Naruto," Mikoto greeted with a soft smile and hugged her son.

"Hi Kaa-san! Where's tou-san?" Naruto asked looking around.

"He's gone to do another mission," Mikoto answered, "you better get ready, Sasuke's already packing."

Naruto nodded and went up stairs.

"Hey Sasuke." Naruto said as he entered the room.

"Hey Naruto-nii! What did you and the bakage talk about?" Sasuke asked.

"He asked me where I've been and I told him to get his ears cleaned," Naruto answered shrugging, "although I did want to beat him up and through him out the window."

Sasuke chuckled.

"Hey should I bring my sword?" Naruto asked and Sasuke shrugged in response, "wow, thanks for your help Sasuke." Naruto said sarcastically.

Sasuke just laughed.

"Hey what are you laughing at! Sasugay!" Naruto yelled Sasuke stopped laughing and tackled his older brother.

"Your gonna regret callin' me that!" Sasuke said yelled.

"Oh sorry, I meant Saucegay!" Naruto laughed and Sasuke got even more angry. Naruto broke free from Sasuke's grip and tackled Sasuke onto his bed and started to tickle him

Sasuke began to laugh so hard that he was crying, "stop... it... Naruto-nii! Can't... breath!" Sasuke managed to say through his laughs.

Naruto stopped and Sasuke caught his breath.

Sasuke gave Naruto a look saying: 'I will get you back!' Naruto smirked, "good luck with that." He said and put his sword onto his back.

Naruto then packed a few scrolls and attached it to his sash.

A few minutes later they finished packing. "Alright! Lets go!" Naruto said with a grin on his face and they once again disappeared in a black flash arriving at the gates first.

[edited 26.03.20]

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