Chapter 34

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His blond hair danced with the wind, his cold piercing blue eyes stared directly at his opponent, brother and ex-teammate across him.

"I knew you'd find me." Naruto said. "Nostalgic, isn't it?" He asked and caught a small green leaf in his hand.

Sasuke looked a his brother, "what will you achieve when you exact revenge on Konoha?" He asked, "will it make you feel better? Will you finally be happy? You'll gain nothing from revenge but even more suffering!"

Naruto looked at his brother, "there is nothing left for me in this world. That is why I will crush Konoha and every other village! I will create a new world! A world where I will consume all hatred! I will become darkness itself." He answered.

"The one saying of the Jashin clan was," Naruto began as he crushed the leaf that was in his hand, "protect those you love and destroy those who oppose you."

"That's not true! I, for one, know that you still care about us! You still have me! Itachi, tou-san and kaa-san! You have Sakura! I know how much you loved her! You have all your friends too!!" Sasuke yelled.

"That is exactly why I we will fight! If I win then I permanently have severed all ties in this world!" Naruto said before Sasuke could say anymore. "I will severe it all! Then! I will destroy and remake this world!"

"This world has done nothing but taken everything away from me! It made me suffer! It shunned me!" Naruto growled clutching the leaf even tighter. "There is nothing for me in this world."

Sasuke frowned, "I know that I've never felt the pain you have, Naruto. But! I know-"

"You don't know..." Naruto interrupted him, "you think you do, but in truth... you don't."

"I will win and severe all ties. I will... have my revenge." Naruto said as he dropped the leaf. Sasuke gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

"No! I will win! I will bring you back!" He yelled as the leaf gently landed on the water, creating small ripples.

They jumped down and darted towards each other. Their fists clashed creating waves. Sasuke looked into Naruto's cold eyes, searching, searching for the Naruto he once knew, the brother that encouraged him to push past his limits.

Sasuke saw no emotion, no worries. But he could've sworn something in his cold eyes. Something like guilt... or regret.

The two jumped away from one another. Sasuke pulled out his kunai's and shuriken's, throwing them at the blonde who dodge them with ease. Suddenly Sasuke disappeared and appeared behind Naruto.

Naruto cursed under his breath as he had forgotten about Sasuke's Rennegan.

Sasuke punched Naruto on the face then continuously punched him on his stomach and side. He pivoted on his left foot and kicked Naruto on his face.

The blonde did a backhand spring to break his fall. A form of Kurama's hand appeared from behind him, stopping Sasuke's Rasengan. Naruto then kneed Sasuke on his stomach and kicked him on the face, sending him down.

Naruto followed after his brother.

Sasuke did hand signs and faced Naruto, "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" He spewed out fire at the blonde who effortlessly blocked the attack by using Kurama's chakra hand.

Naruto grabbed Sasuke's hand, forming hand signs but using his hand. While he formed hand signs Naruto kicked Sasuke and punched him. Naruto kicked Sasuke sending him down at a much faster speed.

Naruto inhaled and spewed out fire.

Sasuke then switched places with Naruto's fireball and countered with a right hook.

The two landed on the water, jumping away from one another. They glared at each other, trying to read their movements and predicting their next attack.

Naruto disappeared once again and appeared behind Sasuke, he kicked him hard on his back then appeared in front of him. He appeared in front of him and punched him on the chin. The blonde jumped attacking Sasuke before kicking him down.

Naruto appeared under Sasuke, lightning flickered on his hand and Sasuke landed on Naruto's hand. Pain coursed through his entire body making him cry out in pain.

"Wind Style: Thor's Hammer!!" Sasuke yelled dropping to the ground. He pivoted as wind picked up. Sasuke jumped joining his fists and slamming them down on Naruto with wind smashing onto Naruto as well.

Sasuke jumped away as Naruto floated up. I cannot lose here! I will not! Sasuke thought and wiped off the blood that escaped his mouth.

Naruto climbed out of the water, golden chakra formed around him and Kurama stood in front of him. Kurama let out a fearsome roar and Sasuke clicked his tongue. Two can play at that game! He thought and his Susanoo formed.

The two giants clashed and the water split apart at the amount of strength they had. "Give up, Sasuke!" Naruto yelled, "you can't win!"

Sasuke's Susanoo drew its bow with an arrow made of lightning formed. "Like hell I will!" Sasuke yelled and Susanoo fired the arrow. Naruto released a tailed-beast bomb and the to attacks collided creating a huge explosion.

When the debris disappeared Sasuke was kneeling on one knee, half of his Susanoo was gone. Naruto stood a few metres away from him with Kurama looking at him.

Naruto laughed maniacally. "Is that really all you've got, Sasuke?" Naruto asked with a hint of disappointment in his tone, "or are you afraid to kill your dear older brother?" Naruto asked, as Sasuke got up.

"Neither!" Sasuke yelled. "I'm not going to kill! I promised I'd bring you back and I will!!"

Naruto glared at Sasuke, "then show me everything you have." He said and Kurama let out another roar.

Sasuke's Susanoo formed again and his eye began to bleed. "Bring it!!" Sasuke yelled as they clashed again.


Sakura slowly opened her eyes to see Kakashi reading his book that miraculously survived the war, Obito, Hogoromo and Minato. She saw the sun beginning to set despite when she was awake before the sun was just rising.

"You're finally awake." Kakashi said giving her his signature eye smile.

"What happened-" She cut herself off remembering that Naruto had knocked her out, "where are they?! Where is Naruto-kun and Sasuke?" She asked.

Kakashi looked away from his book and looked up at the pink and fire-red sky. "They are having their deciding battle. Their final battle." Kakashi answered.

There was a soft breeze that blew at them.

"So then... if Sasuke loses..." Sakura trailed and Kakashi nodded, knowing what Sakura is trying to say.

"If Sasuke loses... he will kill him and we will have completely lost Naruto." Kakashi said looking back down at his book.

Naruto-kun. Sakura thought as she put her hands together and close to her chest. She looked up at the sky, praying that Naruto could return to the person she had always loved.


Naruto kicked Sasuke on the stomach. Sasuke stumbled back and landed on the water, coughing out blood. Naruto walked up to Sasuke and sat on him, punching his face again and again.

The two Uchihas were bruised and battered, both exhausted from their fight that had been going on for almost the whole day.

Sasuke let out a roar and headbutted Naruto who clutched his bleeding nose. Naruto got off Sasuke and growled. Lightning flickered from the palm of his hand. He kicked Sasuke back down. "Know your place, Sasuke." He said.

Naruto raised his hand, his Chidori forming. "This is farewell... Sasuke." Naruto said and went for the strike.

[Edited 23.10.20]

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