Chapter 7

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Team Seven set out to the Wave Village, in silence. Naruto put his mask on along the way making Tazuna scoff and gulp down his sake.

The mask covered Naruto's mouth and whisker marks. Kakashi noticed this and began to wonder if Naruto was his clone. He soon shrugged the thought off and continued to read his book.

Minutes later they passed a puddle. Why is there a fucking puddle when it's the middle of summer?! Naruto asked in annoyance, a tick mark appearing on his head. Oy! Language kit! Kurama yelled. Whatever Bakarama! Naruto spat.

"You know it hasn't rained for days and yet you disguise yourselves as a freakin' puddle?" Naruto asked 

Everyone turned around and look at him in confusion, except for Kakashi who was astonished at Naruto's sudden question. He actually figured it out. He thought.

Suddenly the puddle exploded in a small puff of smoke and two people appeared before the team. A weapon latched onto Kakashi. Everyone was shocked and startled at the sudden action. Kakashi let out a cough and blood gushed out of his wounds.

The shuriken-like chain around him loosened and Kakashi fell on the ground, dead. "Kakashi-sensei!" They all yelled except for Naruto and Tazuna.

The Demon Brothers, Gozu and Meizu now stood before Naruto who simply smirked. Meizu charged towards Naruto, his retractable shuriken chain extended and lashed towards Naruto.

Naruto dodged the attack and punched Meizu on the face. Meizu flipped and clawed Naruto with his Metal Gauntlet.

Naruto cursed under his breath as he did a back hand spring and took a stance, "oy! Sasuke, Sakura protect the client. I'll handle these guys!" Naruto ordered.

Meizu lunged himself towards Naruto once again his chain ripped Naruto's mask off and scratched his neck. Naruto smirked and he flashed in front of Meizu punching him hard on the gut making him pass out.

Gozu charged and readied his chain until Naruto turned around and his eyes widened.

"N-Naruto-sama?" Gozu asked and shivered at a frightful memory.

Naruto snickered,"who else dumbass?!" Naruto asked making the demon brother fall on his butt.

"I'm s-s-sorry." Gozu stuttered while backing away in fear, "I-I promise... y-you w-won't s-s-see us again." Gozu hurriedly picked his brother up and disappeared in a swirl of mist.

Naruto sighed in annoyance. He turned around and saw the confused expressions of his teammates.

"Ok, long-story short, I met them when I was five and," Naruto explained, "KAKASHI-SENSEI YOU PUSSY!!"

"What the hell, you damned brat?! Your sensei is dead and that's how you treat him?" Tazuna asked obviously irritated by Naruto's attitude and actions.

Naruto rolled his eyes as the bushes rustled. Everyone turned their heads and saw Kakashi standing before them.

"Yo!" Kakashi casually greeted, "and I faked my death to see how you would handle the situation."

Kakashi then walked after Naruto still leaving the group in confusion.

Along the way Naruto winced in pain he cursed under his breath. "Something wrong?" Sasuke asked eyeing his brother.

Naruto ignored Sasuke's question and took out a kunai. Without hesitation Naruto stabbed the back of his hand making everyone gasp.

"Naruto! What are you doing?" Sakura asked and rushed over to her teammate to quickly try and tend to his wound.

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