Chapter 24

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Sasuke stood on the snow with Kakashi and Yamato behind him. Sakura, Kiba and Lee stood before him. The twins soon arrived and they could feel the tension in the air.

"What are you saying?" Sasuke asked and clenched his fists. "You... want... me to stop looking for Naruto?" He asked.

The pinkette nodded, "Sasuke we should just stop trying to bring him back. We can't bring him back!" Sakura argued and Sasuke grew even more angrier, "please Sasuke..."

Sasuke approached Sakura, his hair shadowing his eyes. "Sasuke..." Yamato began but Kakashi put his hand on his shoulder and shook his head.

The raven head put his hands on Sakuras shoulders and looked into her emerald green eyes. "Don't fucking lie to me!" The Uchiha growled. "I know very well that you don't believe this!"

"I know but-"

"Shut up! I'm not giving up on my brother. You're lying to yourself because I've seen it, you love him with all your heart. Naruto-nii did too!" Sasuke exclaimed.

"So don't you dare give up on him!!" He exclaimed.

The pinkette looked at Sasuke shocked. She turned around and began to walk away, the aching feeling in her chest was back. I'm sorry Sasuke... I'm doing this alone... even if it hurts me to the point where it breaks me. She thought.

Kiba and Lee followed close behind her. "What now Sakura?" Kiba asked. Sakura turned around and faced them.

"I need your help to find Naruto." She answered.


Naruto stood before Danzo glaring at him with his Sharringan activated. "Uchiha Naruto." Danzo mutter looking at the blonde before him.

"You might want to stay back, if you don't you'll definitely be killed." Danzo warned Karin as he jumped away. Karin nodded and she did the same thing.

"This is perfect, I'll kill you and take your Sharringans." Danzo declared unravelling the bandages that covered his right arm, his arm was covered with multiple Sharringans and Naruto growled.

"Those eyes... you stole them from the Uchihas didn't you?" He asked letting out another deep growl.

"It's a rather long story." Danzo answered.

"Hearing that only pisces me off more." Naruto said. Danzo dod hand hmsigns and lunged himself towards Naruto who merely stood there. Danzo only punched the rib cage that surrounded Naruto.

"Oh?" Danzo asked, a skeleton hand grabbed Danzo and Naruto looked at Danzo glaring at him.

"Answer me!" Naruto growled.

"Like I said... it is a long story." Danzo answered and Naruto squashed Danzo with his Susanoo hand.

"The Uchihas, Itachi, aren't pawns. Those people who serve you aren't pawns," Naruto growled glaring at Danzo, "you... you stole those eyes from all Uchihas who died, didn't you?!"

Danzo smirked, "smart." He said. The Susanoo squashed Danzo, blood splattered everywhere.

"Do not speak of the Uchihas like that to me. They do not deserve to serve you. Burn in hell." Naruto growled. Suddenly Danzo appeared behind Naruto and attempted to stab him from the back. The Susanoo rib protected him and broke the kunai.

The Susanoo took full form and hit Danzo, squashing him once again. "Good offense too." Danzo said. Naruto ripped his head to see Danzo standing on the pillar.

The Susanoo punched the top of the pile where Danzo stood but this time Danzo dodged the attack. Naruto glared at Danzo. "Amaterasu!" The blonde growled, his left eye beginning to bleed.

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