Chapter 19

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Naruto completely collapsed on his bed. An endless stream of hot tears streamed down his face. He buried his face into his pillow and quietly sobbed. Be groomed the pillow tightly and let out a frustrated scream.

'See? No one loves you. No one ever has.' A sly voice said and Naruto shook his head, trying to convince himself that the voice is wrong.

No! You're wrong! I have the Uchihas with me, my friends! I am loved! Naruto fought back.

'They don't love you. They fake it. In fact they hate you down to their core. They curse your very name.'

Shut up! You're wrong! Naruto yelled. You're wrong... they sheltered me... they took care of me... there's no way they would turn their backs on me.

'Belive in what you want. But I speak the truth and only the truth Naruto.'

Why should I trust you, Orochimaru?! Naruto asked and the Snake Sannin cackled.

'I've seen it all. You used to be heartless killer, the youngest ninja to have become an ANBU, the strongest.' Orochimaru explained. 'But now look at you.'

'You're weak.'

Naruto screwed his eyes shut and shook his head vigorously.

'You can't kill.'

'You failed to protect your so called "friends".'

'Your calmness has been replaced by the storm.'

'You can't protect yourself.'

'You're useless.'

'You're pathetic.'

Naruto felt a cold hand touch the area where the curse mark was. His eyes shot open bad he looked around the room to find no one around.

'You know what to do.' With that the voice disappeared and Naruto lay on his bed breathing heavily with tears still streaming down his face.

Kit? Everything al-

Shut up! Naruto growled. Kurama frowned. Listen I know-

I said shut up! You stupid fox! Stop acting like you fucking know me! Stop your stupid act, god damn it! Naruto roared at Kurama in his mindscape.

Naruto opened his eyes that burned with hatred. They're all the same. He thought, suddenly the door to his and Sasuke's room opened. He dug his face into his pillow even more.

"Naruto, honey." He heard Mikoto say, his mother approached him with a frown. She put her hand on his shoulder and Naruto slightly turned his head to see his red puffy cheeks, stained with tears.

Naruto hugged Mikoto and sobbed in her arms. Mikoto ran her fingers through his golden locks. Everyone else stood by the door with a frown. Never have they ever seen Naruto so low.

A few minutes later Naruto went back to 'normal'. The Atsushi Brothers and Rei packed their things ready to go back to their homes. They said goodbye and left.

Later that night the Uchihas everyone slept on their bed peacefully, all but Naruto who only stared at the ceiling. His cold glare could send shivers down anyone spine.

Quietly he got up, he put up his sound proof Jutsu. He took a quick shower and put on a crimson red sleeveless jacket zipping it up halfway, white cargo shorts and his black shinobi sandals.

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