Chapter 13

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Naruto and Sasuke rushed to the training grounds. Kakashi had mailed them saying to meet up at the training grounds immediately. "Wait... isn't Kakashi-sensei always late though?" Naruto asked.

"I'll do you one better," Sasuke said, "when is he never late?" Naruto merely shrugged at the question. Naruto put his hand on Sasuke's shoulder and they flashed to the training grounds.

When they appeared the young Uchihas were surprised to see their sensei actually there before them. They put it aside for now and let Kakashi explain.

"Oh so that's why it was so urgent." Naruto said putting his hands into his pockets. "Aight let's go and become Chunnins!!" The blond exclaimed earning cheers from Sakura and a small smile from Sasuke.

The three flashed outside the building where the first round of the Chunnin exams are going to be held in. They went up a flight of stairs conversing with one another and looking at all the other people who were there.

Naruto's eyes widened when he spotted his ex-siblings Mito and Menma. He could clenched his fists tightly and gritted his teeth. The blonde wanted to punch them out of the village.

Sakura looked at the sign that hung at the top of the room where two Jonnins stood in front of with other people crowding around them. "Hey guys, is this the third floor?" She asked.

Naruto eased himself and turned to the pinkette. "Nope," Naruto grinned, "this is the second floor. I paid attention to our surroundings"

The team approached the two Jonnins and told them that this was the second floor and not the third floor. The three were invited into the room.

After a short while Jonnins and Proctors got the students sorted out and Naruto and his team, along with a few other students were taken to a classroom where they had to take a quiz.

Naruto grinned cracking his knuckles, "let's do this!" Henexclaimed earning a chorus of 'yeah's from his teammates and a few other students who heard him.

Ibiki Morino explained to them about the test and rules for about twenty minutes. Once he finished explaining the test began and Naruto sat on his chair at ease.

I don't see a point in having to do the test. I'm pretty sure you don't have to even do it. Naruto thought rested his chin on the palm of his left hand.

A few minutes later a student put his hand up. "I'm sorry! I can't do this!!" He exclaimed and thus him and his team left with disappointment filling their mind.

Well now we know that it's a test of information gathering and willpower. Kurama yawned and Naruto nodded. Well I've already done all this so like no thanks. Naruto smiled to himself.

A full hour passed and not everyone finished. Ibiki explained the point of the test to the students which shocked them, all except Naruto. Suddenly another proctor came in through doors.

"HELLO! MY NAME IS ANKO!! NOW FOLLOW ME TO THE NEXT PHASE OF THE CHUNNIN EXAMS!!!!" She yelled as she exited through the window. Naruto instantly took Sakura and Sasuke following the Proctor out the window.

They went down, fast but landed safely. Sakura sighed relieved that she was still alive. I thought I was going to die just then. Sakura thought. You might as well believe in Naruto-kun! He wants to protect us anyway. Inner sakura said.

Point taken. Sakura thought and snapped back into reality.

Soon they arrived with all the other students at the location of the second phase of the Chunnin Exams, which is in The Forest of Death. A few shivered and looked at the forest with fear, others were confident and the others just a mix of the two.

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