Chapter 35

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A flash of light blinded Sasuke, he saw his life flash before his eyes. He felt disappointment and defeated. Naruto's hand got closer and closer to his chest.

I can't... Sasuke thought as he looked up at the sky. Suddenly a flash of young Naruto's wide grin appeared into his mind.

'Don't give up! Show him what he's done! Tell him to wake up!!' Kid Naruto said and gave the ravenette a thumbs up. 'I believe in you, Sasuke!!'

Sasuke clenched his fist and gritted his teeth. He let out a roar as he activated his Mangekyo Sharringan and Rennegan. He grabbed Naruto's wrist and kneed him on the gut.

Naruto coughed out blood, stumbling backwards. Where did he get such power?! The blonde thought. No matter... I will win in the end!

"Sasuke!!" Naruto yelled activating his Emperor Eyes final form and his Mangekyo Sharringan.

"Naruto!!" Sasuke yelled.

The two charged, their main attacks in hand. Their attacks collided creating yet another huge explosion. Sasuke cleared the debris and spotted Naruto on the ground.

He jumped and landed on his brother. "It's time for you to wake up!!" Sasuke yelled placing his hand on the curse mark that Orochimaru had given him.

Sasuke made a hand sign and yelled, "release!!"

The seal on the mark disappeared and the three tomoes suddenly began to bubble. Naruto cried out in pain as a figure slipped out of the mark.

There was a cackle, an all too familiar cackle.

"I'm very surprised you figured it out, Sasuke. Good job." A voice hissed a compliment to the Uchiha who furrowed his eyebrows at the figure before him and Naruto.

Naruto clutched his neck and coughed. He looked up, glaring. "You! You disgusting excuse of a human!" Naruto growled. "How did you manage to control me, Orochimaru?!" He asked.

The Snake Sannin cackled and put his arms out. "Simple really, all I did was let you absorb me on that day. From there I waited for my chance to take over you." He explained.

"Then while you fought Kaguya and finally lost another family, I took that chance and controlled you," Orochimaru hissed, "never underestimate me."

"Who do you think managed to force you to my side?" He asked. Naruto glared at the pale figure and stood up.

"But I thought Kabuto revived you? Did he not?" Sasuke asked.

"Oh he did, but that wasn't necessarily me at the same time." Orochimaru answered. "I guess you could say, the real one was in Naruto the whole time." He smiled eerily.

Naruto's hair shadowed his eyes. "You'll pay! You'll fucking pay!!" Naruto growled. "No one! No one hurts the people I care about!" He yelled.

"All these years you've been manipulating me into- into some kind of monster!!!" Naruto bellowed and pointed at the Snake Sannin. "I won't forgive you!"

"Naruto-nii... what to do you mean by 'manipulating'?" Sasuke asked standing beside his brother.

"Ever since the Chunnin Exams, I kept hearing a voice in my head. It kept saying these things to me. When I realised who it was, I had already decided to turn to the darkness...." Naruto explained.

"I defeated Orochimaru and took control. I gathered members to help me gather information about Madara Uchiha, because the one in the Akatsuki definitely wasn't." He went on.

"But you and Sakura got there... I had no control over my body. I showed my vulnerability to Sakura and then I lost it." Naruto looked down at his hands.

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