Chapter 33

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Naruto let out a roar of pain and anger, the wind that gathered around him dispersed. The blonde glared at his opponent before him. Mother, please be careful. I am sensing some intense killer intent coming from that boy. Black Zetsu said.

Suddenly, the young Uchiha appeared in front of her. He punched her on the face, sending Kaguya flying, Naruto followed appearing next to the Otsutsuki. Naruto smashed his joint fists on Kaguya's head.

Lightning formed around Naruto's hand and he dived down, thrusting his Chidori at where Kaguya lay on the ground.

A huge explosion went off. Kakashi and the others blocked the debris that the shockwave of the explosion sent to them. Once the fog cleared they saw Naruto standing in front of a huge crater. "D-Did he do it?" Sasuke asked.

"No..." Kakashi said and immediately Kaguya appeared behind him. Shit! Kakashi thought, unable to put his arms up to block the attack in time.

Just before Kaguya's attack could hit Kakashi, Naruto appeared in front of him and blocked it with ease. "Your opponent is me!" Naruto growled, his eyes flashed.

He pulled Kaguya closer and punched her on the face, then kneed her on the stomach. Naruto then pulled Kaguya's arm behind her making the Otsutsuki cry out in pain.

Naruto laughed at the sound of Kaguya's scream and his eyes flashed again, to a new type.

Kakashi's eyes went wide and Obito stiffened, "it... can't be... how is he a part of the Jashin clan?!" Obito exclaimed and coughed out blood.

"Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura asked.

"The eyes that Naruto posses belong to the Jashin clan. The Emperor Eye is what they called it. Although the clan was eradicated because of how powerful those eyes are. But to be able to activate its final form... its incredible... no one has ever done it." Kakashi explained.

"But how does he have those eyes?" Obito asked.

"The Jashin clan married into the Uzumaki clan. It seems that Naruto's ancestors blood runs strong in his veins." Kakashi answered.

"The only way to be able to activate its final form is to completely lose yourself in hatred and anger..." Kakashi trailed.

Sasuke frowned, "I refuse to believe that my brother is completely lost!" He exclaimed, "I know that the brother I know is still in there!"

"Yeah! The old Naruto-kun is still in there! I know it!" Sakura chimed in, "I know because I saw how vulnerable he was before he forced me to kill Karin..."

Sasuke looked ahead of him, "I'll keep my promise to my family and everyone! But first, I'll fight with him. Afterall, we can't just sit around and let him do all the work, right? We're Team 7!" Sasuke smiled.

Sakura smiled and punched her hand against her palm, "yeah!" She exclaimed.

"Naruto!" Sasuke yelled getting the blonde's attention and Kaguya's too. Naruto took this chance and threw a staff at Kaguya. She turned to see the staff coming at her at lightning speed.

"Eye's here!" Sakura yelled, she channelled her chakra onto her fist and punched Kaguya towards Sasuke. Naruto appeared beside his brother. Sasuke prepared his Rasenshuriken while Naruto prepared his Chidori mixed in with his black flames.

"Eat this!!" They yelled in unison.

Kaguya and their attack collided creating yet another huge explosion. When the debris cleared they saw Kaguya on the ground, blood slipping out from the corner of her mouth and cuts and bruises covering her face and tears on her clothes.

The three walked up to her, "let's seal her back up." Sasuke said and Naruto nodded.

Their hands were only centimetres away from Kaguya when she suddenly let out a roar. Black Zetsu tried to calm his mother down, but to no avail. Her appearance changed and shifted into a huge white rabbit, her eyes white and a third eye that contained the Sharringan.

Naruto smirked, "Sasuke?" He asked as a chakra form of Kurama appeared. Sasuke smiled and nodded summoning his Susanoo and combining with Kurama. "Sakura!" Naruto yelled.

"Got it!" The pinkette yelled as she leaped from behind the huge rabbit, she channelled all her chakra onto her one fist and hit her hard on the back of the head.

Kurama let out a roar as he released a tailed-beat bomb towards the rabbit. There was a huge explosion and huge gust of smoke and debris flew everywhere. "Now!!" Naruto yelled.

The two Uchihas jumped and Sakura did too.

Kaguya let out yet another roar. "Shut the hell up!" Sakura yelled punching her on the head while Naruto and Sasuke appeared on both sides. Their hands touched the Otsutsuki's shoulders.

The three of them landed in front of the white rabbit. Kakashi looked at the three that stood before him and smiled proudly underneath his mask. "You have good students, Kakashi." Obito said, smiling. "They remind me of our days at the Academy."

"Yeah..." Kakashi trailed.

"If only things were different... then none of this would've happened." Obito said.

"I know... but fate had other things in store for us. We'll just have to keep moving forward. That's the only way after all. Move on, Obito." Kakashi said looking at his friend. "For Rin."

Obito looked at Kakashi shocked but then smiled at the gravity defying haired man next to him. "Ok." He said.

Suddenly the ground began to tremble. The rocks from the ground began to lift and clash onto Kaguya. Other rocks did the same to one another formed huge balls that rose to the sky.

"Its finally over." Sasuke sighed, tired from the long hard battle.

"Yeah." Sakura smiled.

Naruto said nothing but watch as the rocks completely covered Kaguya. His eyes went back to his usual ice cold blue eyes.

Suddenly in a puff of smoke they all disappeared.

Team 7 and Obito appeared back to their world. There they stood in the middle of all the tailed beasts. Hogoromo approached them with Minato behind him. "You successfully sealed my mother away Naruto, Sasuke and the rest of you." He said and bowed to them as a symbol of thanks.

Hogoromo looked at Sasuke, still seeing the determination in his eyes. He then looked at Naruto, seeing even colder eyes that held even more hatred than before. "I am guessing that the both of you still haven't changed your answers?" He asked.

"Nope! I intend to keep my answer the same until my brother comes home." Sasuke answered with a stern expression. Hogoromo nodded and turned to Naruto.

"And you?" He asked.

"My answer is the same," Naruto answered, "in fact, I feel more hatred towards Konoha than ever before! But... just before I complete my goal there is one more business I must take care of. Only then, will I show no mercy! I'll destroy- no... obliterate Konoha to nothing!"

Minato flinched at Naruto's answer.

"Naruto-ku-" Sakura began until Naruto appeared in front of her and karate chopped her. She fell to the ground, unconscious.

Kakashi rushed to his student and picked her up, walking over to Minato with Obito.

Naruto turned his head to Hogoromo, "I will not stop until I get what I want." He said with venom in his voice. He sent a glare towards Minato who gulped.

The blonde then turned to his brother, "I have business to take care of." He said and with that he disappeared. Sasuke looked down at his hands, he curled them into fists and looked up at Hogoromo, his teacher and Obito.

"I may not have forgiven you for what you and your family did to my brother, but... for the sake of my family and Sakura, I will bring Naruto back!" Sasuke said.

Minato frowned, "thank you... Sasuke." He said.

Sasuke nodded and disappeared.

[Edited 23.10.20]

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