Chapter 26

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A couple of days passed, Sasuke had rested up and the village has slowly began to come together. Minato has fully healed and is now running the village and helping others.

While Sasuke and the rest of Team Seven ate Sasuke, whom was about to eat, suddenly disappeared much to everyone's confusion.

Sasuke grabbed the bowl of food thin kings that it was the ramen he ordered and began to eat it. What he tasted was much to his hate and spat it out. "What the hell?!" He exclaimed and saw the two frogs, Fukasaku and Shima.

"I'm surprised to see you dig in right away!" Shima exclaimed happily, "you must really like my big stew!"

Sasuke quickly grabbed some water and gulped it down to make the disgusting taste disappear. Sasuke fell back onto the ground and groaned.

"What am I doing here?" He asked looking at the two frogs.

"I summoned you here," Fukasaku answered and looked at Sasuke sternly, "Ojijisama is going to look into your future."

Sasuke looked at them and nodded. The three of them made their way to the place where Gamamaru sat.

"Hey old toad." Sasuke said looking at the giant old toad that sat on a huge stone chair before him.

"Hello... Sasuke it has been awhile." The old toad said and Sasuke merely nodded. "Sasuke I have seen your future. You will meet an Octopus..."

"An Octopus?" Sasuke asked and imagined himself meeting an octopus that talked and tried to contain his laughter.

"Yes and you will fight a boy... with powers from within and his eyes... like you." Gamamaru explained and Sasuke looked at the old toad sternly.

"I know." Sasuke spoke up.

"You know? Have you seen it? Do you know the boy with the power in his eyes and within?" Gamamaru asked slightly shocked at Sasuke's response.

"Yes and I've prepared for this fight, especially for this fight." Sasuke said. "It might kill me, but I'm willing to do everything in my power to bring him back into the light."

"Who is this boy?" Fukasaku asked out of curiosity.

"My brother... Naruto Uchiha." Sasuke answered.


"Hello Tobi... or are you going to go by the name of Madara now?" Kabuto asked looking at the man below him.

"I'm surprised you found me." Madara said looking up at Kabuto, "I see you've gone through... a change..."

Kabuto chuckled, "I travelled from land to land as a spy... and was even a part of the Akatasuki for awhile. Don't underestimate me."

"What do you want with me?" Madara asked jumping up on the large skeleton that Kabuto stood on. Kanuto jumped off and landed on the ground, safely.

He clapped his hands together and slammed them on the ground. Suddenly five large boxes rose up from the ground and opened to reveal five members of the akatasuki that Naruto killed.

"Edo Tensei..." Madara let out in shock.

"The forbidden jutsu that only the Nidaime Hokage and Lord Orochimaru could use, but I am the third... I have surpassed these two." Kanuto explained.

"But don't worry... this is a special Gift from me to you..." Kabuto said and looked at Madara, "I wish to join forces with you."

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