chapter 1

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Walking into my house I grabbed the mail out of my mailbox. Just as I did every day I rifled through it all looking for something I actually wanted to open. "Ah Ha"  I held up the envelope I had been waiting to receive for the last few months. Inside was a Save The Date card from Summer and Stephen announcing their upcoming wedding. I couldn't wait. Just because I never wanted to fall in love doesn't mean I didn't believe in love. When you've seen people like Kennedy and Jason or Summer and Stephen you can't help but believe in love. I had been looking forward to this wedding ever since I found out Stephen proposed. I was kicking myself that I'd missed it but I had been otherwise preoccupied. A wedding meant seeing Eric. We had only shared one night. Well technically one day that led into night and kept going through the morning. One amazing night that still haunted my dreams to this day. Just hearing his name left me breathless. I don't know what it was about him but there was something. He was one of the best looking men I had ever layed eyes on and he could sing like an angel, not to mention the way my body reacted to every kiss and ever touch. I had to bring my attention to something else. I hadn't thought much about Eric lately except when I would turn on the t.v. or the radio and hear his voice or see his face. I had never lusted after anyone else quite like this. I looked at the card May 24. Great I had four months to prepare for this. Who knows anyway, if Eric is still single I sure wouldn't mind a repeat of last summer. I put my mail on the kitchen table I had a date to get ready for.


"Of course I'll be your best man Stephen I don't know why you even felt the need to ask" I looked at my best friend. I could tell that he was getting nervous the closer he got to his wedding day. We were in a writing session with another songwriter Chase but Stephen didn't seem to be in the mood for writing today. I didn't really blame him he had other things on his mind. Like his beautiful fiance. Summer had gotten a job as a substitute teacher at the private school. Every time I saw her she was complaining about one spoiled rich kid or another. She had applied at all the local public schools but none of them were looking for a teacher and the only opening the private school had was for a sub. I picked up my guitar  "Let's try this again" Before we could even begin Summer, Kennedy, and Peyton walked in the room. "Does someone want to remind me again why we're writing over here at Stephen's house?" Chase just looked at me and laughed. Peyton worked for Kennedy, and her and Summer had become pretty good friends since she moved to Tennessee.

The girls were talking about something having to do with last minute wedding planning that none of us guys really cared about but we knew better than to let them know that. Then I heard a name that really grabbed my attention. "So Melody will be arriving at the end of the week just in time to try on her dress and see if any alterations need to be made"  I don't know what it was about that girl but she was on my mind way too much ever since last summer. I shook my head trying to clear it. Summer looked at me and asked me if I'd be able to pick Melody up from the airport Friday. Damn. "I can't, I um... I have a date. Maybe Chase could do it." Chase gave me a death stare before he said "I don't have anything going on Friday I might as well" There was no point arguing with Summer. When it came to wedding details she had us all following orders. I don't know how she did it. Peyton smiled at me. I couldn't wait to get her out of one of those sexy little dresses that she wore on Friday night. Summer didn't know I'd been seeing Peyton. I'm not sure why we were keeping anything from her but with everything going on with the wedding Summer might freak out if she knew I was sleeping with one of her good friends. I had a feeling that I wasn't Summer's favorite person and that she only tolerated me for Stephen's sake. I couldn't wait until all this wedding planning crap was over with. Boy, am I glad I never plan on getting married. I don't think I could deal with half the crap Stephen puts up with.

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