chapter 5

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I didn't even want to be here. Every time Peyton rolled her eyes at a fan or made a smart ass comment I would become so embarrassed. This is why Peyton would never be girlfriend material, even if I was looking, which I'm not. I honestly just wanted to get out of here but Peyton wanted to dance. She loved it when every man in the room had his eyes on her. Sometimes I was convinced she did everything just for attention. I needed another drink. Sometimes Peyton told me I acted like an asshole and the truth is that with her I really was one and I didn't care. Peyton didn't exactly bring out the best in me. Peyton was flirting with some guy. Normally it would piss me off, she wasn't my girlfriend but we were still here together. Tonight I just didn't care. I walked away and went to sit at a table. The waitress saw me and brought me another beer. As I turned to thank the waitress and pay her my eyes fell on a sight that had me feeling uneasy. There by the door was Chase and he had his arm around Melody. I was pretty sure I knew where they were headed and I didn't feel comfortable with this. It wasn't the fact that it was Melody exactly it was more along the lines of the fact that it was Summer's friend.

I was a hypocrite, right? I mean not only was Melody a grown woman who could make her own choices but I had done exactly what Chase wanted to do with her. I had one night with Melody. One incredibly amazing night that I still couldn't get out of my head. If I was going to be honest with myself it was a night I wouldn't mind repeating. The reason I didn't like seeing Melody with Chase was because I wanted to be in his place. I wanted to be the one putting that smile on her face and taking the clothes off her body. I wanted to feel her up against me as she whispered my name over and over again. I couldn't decided what to do. If I tried to stop them from leaving I'd make myself look like a complete ass. Plus I was here with Peyton. That was when the perfect plan popped into my head. It was time to get out of here. I walked over to where Peyton was flirting with some other guy "Come on babe let's get out of here I know this perfect spot right by the lake" "You better have a blanket you know how I feel about rolling around on the grass or dirt and I damn sure ain't jumping into a lake naked" yeah I knew how she felt alright and at this point I wanted to push her into the lake fully clothed and ruin her tight little expensive dress and her night. 

 I pulled Peyton out the door and helped her into my truck. I didn't care that she didn't look too happy and she made a smart ass remark about how all I wanted was to get my dick wet. Actually sex was the last thing on my mind at the moment. Well sex with Peyton at least. I was pretty sure I never wanted to have sex with her again. How I'd never noticed what a stuck up little bitch she could be was beyond me. For almost an hour I drove as Peyton complained about the drive wanting to know why we couldn't just go to her place. I just told her to shut up so I could concentrate. There were a lot of turns and I didn't want to get lost with this mouthy little bitch in my truck. Finally Peyton shut up and I started to actually enjoy the drive. It was such a beautiful peaceful night.

Now that it was quiet I could think more about what I was doing. I wasn't sure what i was doing or why. I didn't want a relationship, Melody didn't want a relationship, and we barely knew each other. Yet the thought of her with someone else, anyone else suddenly made me sick. I reached into the back and grabbed a beer. I was hoping nothing had happened yet but there was a good chance it had. Chase knew these roads better than I did and he'd gotten a head start. Peyton started to say something about the fact that I had opened a beer. I swear if she wasn't my excuse for being out here I'd have thrown her out of the truck a long time ago. I knew that what I was doing wasn't right but I couldn't stop myself. Peyton scooted closer to me as I slowed sensing that the drive was almost over. I wanted to push her away but this was perfect. I had a few lingering doubts but as I turned into the clearing and saw chase's truck all that vanished. Chase had  the one thing I wanted and although I wouldn't admit it out loud I'd finally admitted to myself. Melody was something else and I wanted her like I've never wanted anything before. I just knew how against relationships she was and I wasn't sure how to convince her. 

Sorry if this chapter sucked.... I tried but this isn't exactly my favorite chapter either.

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