chapter 10

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Melody and Chase were spending way too much time together for my liking but there wasn't much I could do about that. I wanted to get Melody alone but even if I managed that what would I say to her? I already knew Melody wasn't the type to want relationships. She'd made that perfectly clear last summer. I needed to keep her and Chase apart somehow though. Melody smiled at me and damn she was beautiful. She took Chase by his hand and led him away. "You should probably tell her how you feel" I jumped at the sound of Peyton's voice I hadn't even noticed she was next to me. "I have no clue what you're talking about Peyton" Peyton just rolled her eyes at me and handed me a beer. For the first time tonight I noticed what Peyton was wearing. I had to admit she looked cute in the dress and sandals and it made me wonder what she would look like in a pair of jeans and a t shirt. There was music playing and I grabbed Peyton and got her to dance with me. I noticed that Chase and Melody were dancing too. 

The next couple hours flew by as everyone danced and drank the night away. I didn't spend the whole time with Peyton but I did spend quite a bit of the night by her side. We had our differences but I felt bad for the city girl who felt and looked out of place here on the lake. Every time I would catch a glance of Melody and Chase together dancing, drinking, or hanging out I would feel two things. One was relief that they were still at the party and hadn't snuck off together and the other was complete and utter jealousy and yes I could admit it. To myself. As the night moved on it became obvious that we should have all brought our own vehicles. Jason and Kennedy had to get home to relieve their babysitter and Summer and Stephen asked them to drive them home because they were tired. Summer did look really tired which I thought was strange since she usually liked to party but I figured the stress of all the last minute wedding details were getting to her. Stephen asked if I would be alright taking Chase, Peyton, and Melody home since none of them were ready yet. I told him of course I didn't mind although I couldn't really understand why Peyton wasn't ready to go home since this wasn't her thing but atleast with her here I wasn't really alone.

It was getting really late and about half the party had cleared out but there were still a lot of people hanging out. A few people had jumped into the lake. Things were starting to get crazy as people got drunker and drunker. Somehow I talked Peyton into jumping into the lake with me. It was pretty much a small miracle because I knew how much she hated lake water. Chase and Melody were sitting by the fire talking. I felt like a creeper because I was watching them. Melody wasn't mine I had no right to care about what she was doing or who she was doing it with. I couldn't help it though. I splashed Peyton and she screamed so I laughed. Peyton was actually having fun she wasn't being a bitch or acting stuck up. I was quite surprised by her actions but I had to remind myself that I really was done messing around with her. I could be friends with Peyton but anything more than that was really out of the question. I just had to figure out how to get Melody alone. 

It was 4 A.M. and I had things to do the next day so I went to look for everyone else. Peyton was drying herself off by the fire and some guy was trying to talk to her but she obviously didn't want his attention. I went over to them and got the guy to move along and made sure Peyton was alright. I then told Peyton to go wait in the truck for me while I looked for Melody and Chase and she said alright. I looked everywhere and I couldn't find either one of them. I had been having such a good time I hadn't really thought about what they were doing in awhile. Finally I found them in a slightly secluded area by the lake. Chase and Melody were kissing and it looked like Chase was getting ready to take Melody's shirt off. I cleared my throat so they'd know I was there and Melody jumped. "Sorry to interrupt but it's 4 o' clock we really need to be getting out of here" neither one of them looked too happy but they straightened their clothes and followed me back to my truck. 

I didn't bother asking anyone where they were going I just took Melody back to Summer's place and waited while Chase walked her to the door. I would have rather walked her but Chase offered and it would have been weird if I argued with him about it. After I dropped Melody off I drove Chase home. When I pulled up in front of Peyton's house I decided to walk her to her door since it was so late. At the door Peyton asked me if I wanted to come in for a drink. I didn't really need another drink and I really didn't want to spend too much time with Peyton but for some reason I heard myself saying yes even though my brain was saying no. I was probably going to regret this in the morning.

Sorry it's a little bit of a filler chapter. Don't forget to like and comment. I love reading everyone's comments.

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