chapter 2

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I stepped off the airplane and into the terminal. I had never been to Nashville before and I couldn't hide my excitement. I grabbed my bags and walked outside looking for my ride. I saw a bored looking man leaning up against a '85 Chevy truck holding a sign with my name on it. Great, I was going to kill Summer for sending someone who would so obviously rather be anywhere else but here. As I got closer to him I couldn't help but notice how good looking he was. He was pretty tall and he was wearing a pair of jeans, a white tshirt, and a ball cap. I never knew a man could look so good in such simple clothing. The man turned to look at me and I swear I must have turned five shades of red I can't believe I'd let myself get caught so blatantly checking him out. "Hi, I'm Melody" His bored look quickly turned into a big smile. "I'm Chase, Summer was busy so I offered to come get you" yeah I'm so sure. He didn't exactly strike me as the type to just volunteer to pick strangers up from the airport. I wasn't really complaining though. "So did you want me to take you to Summer's house or would you like to stop and get something to eat first" Every part of my tired body screamed out that I needed to find a bed and get some sleep but I found myself saying that i would get something to eat with chase. What was I thinking? I didn't even know him, and I wasn't hungry either.

Over dinner I learned quite a bit about Chase. I also figured out why he had looked so familiar to me. Half the world had seen this amazingly good looking man in his underwear on t.v. when he was a contestant on Survivor. I blushed slightly at the thought. If Chase noticed he didn't say anything. That had been one of my favorite season of Survivor as I had tuned in every week to watch the good looking man named Chase who was now sitting across from me. Of course the reason I didn't recognize it was him right away was because his hair was a bit longer, he was older but not by much. There were slight differences and of course there was the fact that he was wearing clothes. I hadn't expected to see Chase here in Tennessee, wasn't he from North Carolina or Florida or something like that? As if he could read my mind Chase told me that he'd been writing songs and even singing and putting out music on his own. Now I connected the dots. I hadn't realized the singer and the survivor contestant Chase Rice were one and the same. I didn't even catch half of what Chase was saying to me I was tired plus I was too busy taking in his good looks to really listen to him. If I wasn't so tired I'd try to get to know him a little better, if you know what I mean.

We finished eating and Chase drove me to Summer's place. Summer wasn't officially moving into Stephen's house until after the wedding but from what she told me she practically lived there as it was. Chase walked me to the front door. I knocked but no one answered. I was going to kill Summer if she forgot about me. I tried calling her with no luck. Chase was playing with his phone and he looked up "Stephen said to tell you he's sorry him and Summer went out and they forgot to leave you a spare key" I was going to kill her. "look, I know you're probably tired but the doors locked and Summer probably won't be back for awhile. I was going to go out and have a few drinks, why don't you join me. Maybe I could show you around Nashville a bit"  "Alright, might as well." We climbed back into Chase's truck and pulled away from the curb. I guess sleep would have to wait. 

Even though I'd rather be sleeping I don't think I could have asked for a better looking tour guide as Chase drove through Nashville pointing out all the popular places to shop, eat, and party. He even said that if I was feeling up to it tomorrow he could show me where some of the stars lived. We pulled up to the bar and Chase was a perfect gentleman as he got out and walked around to open my door and help me out. I didn't realize how high up the truck was until I slipped. Luckily Chase was there to catch me and I felt a chill run up my spine as our body's pressed up against each other. Suddenly I wasn't as tired as I had been. I was wide awake and ready for whatever the night would bring.

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