Chapter 14

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A/N sorry I accidentally published the last chapter before it was finished so this chapter will probably end up being short because it's a continuation of the last chapter


I hadn't really thought very far ahead in my plans when I'd decided to bring us all out to a strip club tonight. Chase seemed to be enjoying himself but Jason and Stephen both looked as if they were doing something wrong. "come on, lighten up guys, it's just a few almost naked girls" Chase said jokingly. After a few more minutes had passed and Jason and Stephen still weren't relaxing I decided it was time to get out of here. When I suggested leaving and going somewhere else Chase didn't look too happy but the othe two looked quite relieved. I didn't want to admit it either but for the first time ever I felt completely out of place here. Tomorrow my best friend was getting married so why did I feel so sad?

As we walked out into the crisp night air Stepehen's brother Andrew called to see where we were at and we decided to meet him at this bar a few miles away. When we finally arrived at the bar and found a parking spot Andrew was already outside waiting for us. We went into the bar and had a few drinks. Every time a girl would look my way I wouldn't pay her any mind. I tried to tell myself it's because I was out with the boys but there was a part of me screaming out that it was Melody I wanted and no one else. I was thinking that I should call her and tell her how I felt when suddenly I heard a familiar voice "What are you boys doing here, crashing our party?" I cringed inwardly at the sound of Peyton's voice as I turned around. My eyes quickly fell on Melody who looked slightly pale and sick. That's when I made a quick decision, I had to get Melody some fresh air and get her home and in bed,. Hopefully she would feel better in the morning or else she would be completely miserable at the wedding.

As I drove Melody back to Summer's apartment I decided there was no way I could tell her how I felt tonight. Sadly that would have to wait. All that mattered right now was getting her in bed and comfortable. Melody had fallen asleep in the truck and her head was resting on my shoulder. Despite the fact that I was worried about her I couldn't help but think how nice this felt. As I helped her into the apartment she started mumbling something about men being jerks. I didn't think she was talking about me since I was trying to help her but I couldn't be sure. Melody seemed to do everything in her power to ignore me. To act like the night we'd shared back in Florida had never happened. I was getting mixed signals from her and I was completely unsure of how she felt which is why tomorrow I would lay all my cards on the table and see how it played out. I helped Melody into bed and sat in the chair not wanting to leave her in such a vulnerable position. 

Every once in awhile Melody would mumble something and I'd catch a word or two here and there but I couldn't make out what she was saying. Just as I was about to fall asleep Melody jumped out of bed and tran to the bathroom. I knew she was in there getting sick and I realluy wanted nothing to do with that but against my better judgment I got up to get her some aspirin, a glass of ice water and a wet rag. When I brought it to the bathroom and Melody looked at me it was as if she didn't know how I had gotten here for a minute. Then smiling Melody took the aspirin and the water downing the whole glass. "thank you Eric, I guess not all men are complete jerks" After she'd brushed her teeth and washed her face I helped Melody back into bed and sat back down. I wasn't planning on sleeping in that chair all night but I felt my eyes closing as I started to fall asleep. The last thing I heard before I passed out was Melody mumbling some more only this time I could make out what she was saying "Peyton's such a bitch I swear she'll pay for this." I knew peyton could be abitch sometimes but I was wondering what exactly she'd done that pissed Melody off so bad. I'd have to wait to find out though because I could no longer keep my eyes open.

Sorry if the chapter sucked and/ or seems rushed. The next chapter is what we've all been waiting for since reading If You Ever Get Lonely.

please comment and like my story if you enjoy it. thank you.

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