chapter 15

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I woke up to a pounding headache and the sun in my eyes. I hadn't planned on getting that drunk last night and I couldn't quite remember everything that had happened. I looked over and saw Eric slumped in the chair in the corner of the room. What the heck was he doing here? Then it'd all come back to me. The first thing that registered in my mind was the fact that Eric had brought me back here and got me into bed. Almost as if he cared. That couldn't be right though. I was a bridesmaid in his best friends wedding and he just wanted to make sure nothing went wrong. That had to be it. I felt like I was going to be sick when I realized that he'd seen me throwing up and I actually did get up and get sick when I thought further back into the night. That bitch Peyton had absolutely no problem telling me about how Chase had left after our date and went straight into her arms and her bed. I don't know what she so obviously had against me but I couldn't believe she'd stooped that low. Well, It's not like Chase was mine to begin with. I was a free spirit and I'd made that perfectly clear from the beginning. So it's not like I had a right to be upset or jealous anyway. 

I could hear Eric waking up in the other room and I jumped in the shower hoping that he would be gone before I got out. I was embarrassed about the night before and I didn't want to face him yet. I didn't want to face him ever. I hated to admit that I really did like him. A lot. I just kept telling myself all I had to do was get through today and everything would be alright. I could go home and get on with my life. There's no way I could move to Nashville. There was too much tension in the air everywhere I went. Maybe I just didn't belong here. I liked Chase but so far he'd been just out of my reach since the day I'd gotten here. I also liked Eric but I wasn't sure I liked the way I felt inside. Infact I hated it. It was unfamiliar and I wasn't exactly sure what it was. I climbed out of the shower and dried off. I had a wedding to get to and I couldn't be late. Thankfully the apartment had been empty by the time I'd gotten out of the shower. Summer must have already went to the church. I saw that she left the keys to her truck on the counter and I grabbed them. Locking the door behind me I left to go to the church where my best friend would be getting married.

I don't know why I was such a mess standing up there watching my best friend walk down the aisle on her way to becoming Mrs. Stephen Barker Liles. Summer looked absolutely stunning in her flowing white dress. She was a little shaky as she approached where Stephen stood with his dad Donny Liles who was officiating. Watching them recite their wedding vows I wondered if I'd ever find someone to love me the way Stephen loved Summer. I doubted it, what was I thinking anyway that's not something I had ever wanted. As Stephen and Summer shared their first kiss as a married couple I saw the looks Jason and Kennedy were giving each other and in that moment I knew that yes, this was something I wanted. I wanted someone to love me the way Stephen loves summer and look at me the way Jason looks at Kennedy. I wanted someone to have and to hold until death do us part. To see his face last thing before I go to bed and first thing when I wake up every morning. I wanted to experience love, but who would ever love someone like me? I was broken and I was bruised. I wasn't exactly wife or mother material. Even I knew that and I was sure anyone else would see it too. 

Sorry it was a little short but yay Stephen and Summer got married.

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