chapter 18

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I paced back and forth in the hospital room. I'd been here two days and Melody still hadn't woke up. Summer and Stephen had been here within a few hours of finding out what happened and if it wasn't for them I wouldn't have remembered to eat or shower. I was constantly praying "please God let her wake up" The doctors had said it was all touch and go. Melody hadn't been burned but she'd inhaled so much smoke they were surprised she was even still breathing. I can't think of what would have happened if I hadn't showed up when I did. I'd been worried about the storm and about the fact that it was so late I almost waited until morning but I couldn't go another night without telling her how I felt. Now here in this hospital room I told her every second of the day.

I don't know exactly why Melody had taken off from the wedding reception but at this point I didn't care. Even if she didn't want me and we wouldn't be together all I wanted was for her to pull through this. I wasn't sure I could live this life knowing that Melody wasn't in it. By the time I'd realized Melody had been on an early flight out of Nashville Stephen and Summer were already gone and I didn't want to bother them to ask for her address. For three long days I'd gone through pure torture needing to go after her and tell her that I loved her. On the third day I couldn't take it any more and I called Stephen. That's how I ended up here. 

Stephen walked into the room and handed me a much needed cup of coffee. Neither of us said a word. Summer and Kennedy were both sleeping on this couch they had in the room and Jason was around here somewhere, probably raiding the cafeteria. When Melody woke up she'd wake up to a room full of people that loved her and she'd know that she didn't have to go through this life alone. Melody would wake up, I refused to think otherwise. Melody was a fighter. When the doctor came in to check on Melody he looked solemn as he turned to us and told us the news. There was no change. She hadn't gotten worse but she hadn't gotten better, and if she didn't get better soon, she never would. That night while everyone else was back at their hotel rooms sleeping I sat in a chair next to Melody's bed and I cried. When I couldn't cry anymore I prayed. I prayed and I prayed all night long. I prayed for her to be alright and I prayed for a sign that she still had some fight left inside her. 

At some point during the night I fell asleep with tears on my face and holding Melody's hand. I woke up when I heard the others coming into the room and one look at them all told me that I wasn't the only one that hadn't gotten any sleep the night before. Jason had food and Stephen had coffee. I didn't want either but I took it anyway. No one had questioned me about why I was in L.A. or why I refused to leave Melody's side. I think they all knew anyway. The rest of the day went by quite uneventful. We all sat around the room not doing much of anything. Summer was trying to get me to go back to the hotel and take a shower and that it was okay because Melody wasn't alone. I didn't want to leave but I knew I needed a shower and maybe a shower would help. Just as I was about to stand up from where I'd been sitting all day I felt a squeeze on my hand and so softly I almost didn't hear it a voice said "Eric" and I looked over and into the eyes of the woman I loved and I thanked God for everything. Melody was awake which meant that she would live and the way that she looked at me told me everything that I needed to know. I could stop wondering now because the woman I loved, loved me back.

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