chapter 8

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Chase dropped me off at my car in front of Summer's apartment. Chase was so much nicer than Eric. There had once been a time I'd have done anything for Chase's attention. Then came Eric. I did some pretty stupid things just to try and keep Eric's attention. The stupidest being acting like I was okay with just fooling around. There was a part of me that had hoped all along that I would win Eric's heart but he always seemed so distant and at times he was just and out right asshole. Like last night. Driving all over the place for nothing I didn't really understand what his problem was. After seeing the way he looked at Melody at lunch I finally understood. I would never have Eric, I would never win his heart, his heart already belonged to her. Melody was lucky, I'd do anything to be in her place yet she seemed oblivious to it all. I really don't think she knew how Eric felt.

I pulled into the office seconds before my client pulled in behind me. I had agreed to do baby pictures today for this couple because it was the only day both parents had available. I didn't normally work on Saturdays especially when I had such a busy day. I just hoped this baby cooperated so I'd have time to go home and get changed for tonight. All of us that were in the bridal party were going out to dinner then we'd probably go out to the bar afterwards too. Tonight was probably going to get awkward. Well there was no probably about it. There was whatever was going on between me and Eric then whatever was going on between him and Melody and there was definitely something going on between her and Chase. 

The couple who's baby I was photographing walked into the building. They were good paying costumers and I didn't want them to feel I was rushing them but I couldn't sit here all day. They had actually flown in from New York because a friend of theirs had recommended me as a baby photographer. I loved my job. We didn't just work in studio sometimes we went to concert or events. Out of everything we did though my favorite thing to do was photograph babies. The lady handed me her newborn daughter and I looked down at the sleeping child who was so precious. this was going to be a good afternoon. I could tell that this little girl in my arms had very loving devoted parents, kind of like I had once.

I got started with taking pictures. I did some of the three of them together but most of just the baby. After awhile I suggested taking some outside it was a beautiful day out with the lighting just right and we had beautiful trees and benches and such that made for good backgrounds for pictures. Finally I was satisfied with the amount of pictures I had taken and we went back inside so I could show the pictures to the couples. They picked out the ones they wanted and I took their money and their information to ship them out when they came in. As the couple and their child left I locked up the studio thinking how extremely lucky they were to have each other. I'd do anything to eventually have a family of my own. I looked at my watch. I didn't have time for a shower but if I made it home in time I could change out of this dress into something more comfortable. 

Walking into my empty apartment I kicked off my shoes slipped out of my dress leaving my clothes wherever they fell. I would clean up later I just wanted to get them off right now. I had felt so out of place earlier being the only one dressed up. I put on this front like it didn't bother me but I really did care what everyone thought. I knew what people around here thought of me. They all thought I was this stuck up snotty rich girl from New York City who wore her heels too high and dresses too short. I wasn't even that comfortable in these clothes it's just what I had gotten used to wearing working as a photographer in New York City where everyone expected me to be so perfect like my mom. My mom had been a famous photographer in her day and she was still quite well known. I had moved to Nashville to get out of her shadow a few years ago. Growing up with parents like mine everyone expected you to be perfect and look perfect. I had shocked them all with my one finger wave as I moved to Tennessee. 

I'd been at work one morning and I was listening to the radio, a Jason Aldean song was playing on the radio and I was singing along as I took pictures of this lady and her one year old twins. That's when she told me about Kennedy Williams who was married to Jason Aldean. Kennedy had done wedding pictures for this lady and her husband two years before. After I heard the name once I was suddenly hearing it everywhere. Everyone who was anyone talked about her when my mom wasn't in the room. Kennedy was famous all the way in New York City. I did my research on her and decided to contact her for a job. I was so excited when I got a reply back. My mom hasn't talked to me since. 

I walked into my bedroom and opened my closet. Every outfit I came across screamed out "WRONG!!" I was starting to get extremely frustrated when I got to the back of my closet and saw a yellow sundress with the tags still on it. I'd bought it once intending to wear it to a party that I'd ended up not going to. This was the perfect dress for today. I scrubbed all my make up off my face and redid it. Only this time I only used eyeliner and a bit of eye shadow and lip gloss. I looked in the mirror trying to figure out what to do with my hair and decided to just put it up in a ponytail. I found a pair of sandals at the back of my closet with a yellow flower on them I think I'd bought them with the dress. I slipped the shoes on my feet. It felt weird wearing shoes that weren't heels but when I looked in the mirror I had never been happier with what I saw at that moment. I looked down at my watch. Shit I had to get to the restaurant.



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