chapter 11

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I rolled over not ready to wake up as the sun was shining in my eyes. My first thought was that I must have forgot to shut the curtains and my second thought was who the hell is in my bed. Then I realized I wasn't in my bed or my house. I opened my eyes and saw Peyton sleeping next to me. I don't know what I was thinking. I got up out of bed and quickly got dressed. I was trying to be quiet and not wake up Peyton. I knew she must be exhausted she wasn't used to staying up so late and she had the day off so she could actually sleep in. I felt bad sneaking away like this but I had things to do today and I just needed to get home. I went downstairs and found the keys to my truck on the coffee table in the living room. There were a few beer cans sitting on the table and I decided to put them in the kitchen and straighten up our mess for Peyton. I went into the bathroom and looked for some aspirin I had a pounding ass headache. Grabbing a glass of water I downed the water and aspirin before heading out into the bright morning sun. I got in my truck and found my sunglasses. That felt a lot better. 

Pulling into my driveway I just sat for a minute. I didn't usually sleep over at Peyton's house or anyone else's for that matter. I had drank way too much the night before and then I drank even more at Peyton's I had been too drunk to drive home and had somehow let Peyton talk me into her bed despite the fact that we had both said we were done with all that. I opened my truck door and walked into my empty house. Usually I loved coming home to an empty quiet house, especially after a hectic tour or a crowded bar but this morning the silence seemed so loud. I turned the stereo up as loud as it'd go before climbing in the shower. I really did enjoy the time I had to be alone. Lately I had less and less alone time. It seemed like we always had something to do. A show, a video shoot, an autograph signing, it was always something. Don't get me wrong I love doing all of that, there's nothing better than standing on a stage in front of thousands of screaming fans 200 or more nights a year but I also enjoyed any time I got away from all that. I was starting to think that maybe there was something out there better than all that though. 

I had to meet Stephen at the studio and I was running late. We had a few last minute things to go over for the new album that would be coming out pretty soon. The last thing I wanted to do was go into the studio, especially on a Sunday, but it was the only day we'd have a chance before Stephen's wedding. I hurried up and got dressed and got into my truck. Stephen wasn't too happy with me when I showed up almost a half hour late to the studio. My being late meant that we'd be here later than we'd planned and the day was already half over. Today didn't really seem to be my day. I couldn't wait until Stephen and Summer's wedding was over. I'd have a full week to myself to relax before everything finally got back to normal. Well as normal as they'd ever be.


I woke up and turned over expecting Eric to be in my bed but he was gone. I wasn't surprised. Eric had never stayed the whole night before and besides he was in love with that Melody girl. I could see why everyone wanted Melody she was beautiful and smart and she liked all that stuff the boys liked. Melody wasn't afraid to get dirty. Like me she'd been raised in the city although being raised in L.A. she might as well have been on a different planet with how different life was being raised in New York City. It had been nice having Eric in my bed even if it was the only time it would ever happen. I couldn't believe I had actually jumped into a lake last night, fully clothed, and had fun. I needed to take a shower though I smelled like a lake.

Standing under the spray of the hot shower I started to cry. Eric had never been mine but I was sad realizing that he never would be. There had always been a part of me that had secretly hoped I would be the one to change Eric's views on relationships. I wasn't in love with him or anything but sometimes I thought that I could love him if he'd give me a chance. I was dreaming though. What would that country boy want with a city girl like me? We didn't have anything in common. Then of course there was Melody. I hadn't known about Melody but I knew now that Eric never could have been mine when he already gave his heart to her. Even if neither one of the had realized it yet.

Sorry if it was kind of short

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