chapter 16

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The reception was turning out to be so perfect. I couldn't have been happier for Summer and Stephen, they were so perfect together. So far I had managed to avoid both Chase and Peyton. I hadn't been so lucky with Eric, he seemed to be everywhere I went. I was still a little embarrassed about last night so I turned on my heels and walked away everytime I bumped into him. I was having such a great time that at one point I completely forgot that I hated Peyton's guts and almost walked up to talk to her. Why couldn't she have waited until I left or better yet found someone I wasn't interested in? and why did she have to put it in my face? Why couldn't she have just stuck with Eric? Suddenly the thought of her and Eric together made me feel sick. I didn't really have time to try and figure out exactly why I was feeling that way before my good luck wore off and Chase walked up and asked me to dance. At first I just stood there confused. I wasn't really sure what to do and so I turned and I ran off to hide in the garden around the corner.

I don't know how long I sat there alone. I had to get back before anyone noticed I was missing. I couldn't let my confusion and sadness get in the way of Summer's happiness. I was about to stand up and walk back to the party when I heard behind me "I didn't sleep with Peyton. For some reason she's jealous of you and she figured she could get to you by lying about being with me because she knows you like me"  Why would Peyton be jealous of me? I didn't really understand. I didn't know what to believe either. Was Chase just lying to make one more attempt to get in my pants or was he telling the truth? It shouldn't really matter at this point anyway. It's not like I would be staying after tonight. I was on the first plane back to L.A. bright and early in the morning. Before I could make up my mind about what to think or do and before I could react in any way Chase had brought his lips to mine. The kiss started off slow and soft but deepened with a hunger as I gave in and molded my mouth to his. Chase pulled away just enough to talk "Don't go back to L.A. Melody I really like you. Stay. Let's explore where we could go with this. Possibilities are endless. Please don't count me out" and before I could answer his lips were on mine again. Just as I was thinking we'd never made it back to the party I heard a voice clearing sound. We turned to see Kennedy laughing as she told us that we were needed by the cake for wedding party pictures.I would have to remember to kill her later because I had really been enjoying that kiss. I really liked Chase but was that enough to keep me here in Tennessee? I wasn't sure

I stood between Kennedy and Peyton with a smile plastered onto my face. Standing next to Peyton was the last thing I wanted to do right now. I wanted to punch her lights out but this was my best friends wedding and I had to behave myself. Could this photographer be any slower at taking pictures? Everytime I looked over in the direction of the guys both Eric and Chase had their eyes on me. This was seriously getting a bit uncomfortable. When the pictures were finally done I felt so relieved. But before I walked away Peyton hissed in my ear  "slut. Why don't you just leave already?" I didn't have a clue what her problem was and I wasn't about to stand around trying to find out. I headed straight for Chase to see if he wanted to dance but before I could get to him Eric was in front of me asking me to dance and without even thinking I said yes.

I know why I said yes. It was because I knew it'd piss Peyton off. Maybe there was also a small part of me that really wanted to dance with Eric, just this once. As Eric took me in his arms I felt the heat and passion of that night we'd shared together in Florida. I could feel heat moving through my body as I remembered every kiss and every touch and suddenly wanted so badly to feel that all over again. To experience the most sensual feeling I'd ever felt just one more time. All this time I'd been suppressing it, trying my hardest to ignore what I knew I had felt that night. Every part of me screamed out for Eric to touch me yet he never moved his hands off my back. I layed my head down on his shoulder and for the first time in my life I felt safe. I was debating with myself on whether or not to take the initiative and kiss him and see where it goes from there but before I could decide what to do his hand was on my chin lifting my face to his and his soft lips were on mine.

So many emotions ran through my head. I liked Chase. Hell, I liked Chase a lot but when Chase had kissed me it didn't come close to what happened when Eric kissed me. My whole entire body was on fire and when I pulled away from Eric and looked into his eyes I felt frozen in the moment. I never wanted this moment to end because looking into Eric's eyes I knew that it was possible to fall in love. I knew that because suddenly I knew that I loved Eric. In the next instant I realized I had to get away. My bags were already packed, I could catch the next plane to L.A. I made up an excuse about having to use the restroom and went and told Summer and Stephen goodbye. I glanced back at Eric once before I snuck out of the reception and headed for the airport. In that moment that I had realized I loved Eric I had also realized that he would never love me back and I had to get as far away from Nashville as I could and never look back.I knew that in the morning I would be hurting worse than I'd ever hurt before but I couldn't worry about that right now. I'd worry about that tomorrow when I was safe and sound in my bed back in California.

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