chapter 19 - The End

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(two years later)

I had never in a million years thought I'd ever be where I was today. I looked around at all my friends and I knew that I had finally found a family and a place where I belong. here in Nashville I finally realized that I was home. I walked down the aisle towards my soon to be husband as if in a dream. Next to him stood Stephen and Jason and across from them was Kennedy and Summer. There were flower petals covering the ground I walked on, courtesy of Kennedy's and Summer's one year old daughters Ella and Lilly who had been walked down the aisle by Ella's big brother Lucas. Today was the best day of my life, not just because of Eric but because of everyone. In just a few seconds I would be Mrs. Eric Gunderson. Unlike most girls I'd never dreamed I'd get married or have kids. I took Eric's hands and looked into his eyes. So this was what forever looked like.

Eric held me in his arms as we danced. Our first dance as a married couple. When I saw the way Kennedy and Summer looked at their husbands I now I understood. When you truly love someone they become the most important thing in your life. It was a beautiful perfect day, but even if it had been overcast and pouring I wouldn't have noticed. There was nothing that could bring me down. Peyton and I had eventually put aside our differences and become friends although not good friends. I was pretty good friends with Chase, too. I had a great job and I'd made plenty of friends since being here in Nashville.

I'd lost everything I owned when my house caught on fire. When I woke up a few days later and realized i'd lost everything I didn't even care. I realized at the moment I woke up that I had the greatest friends in the world and that they were more than friends, they were family. I had also realized that Eric loved me. Knowing that someone loved me was a new feeling for me and normally I'd have gone running scared but I'd already run and look what had happened. Plus the look on Eric's face when he realized I would be okay, I knew in that moment that he would love me forever. I still had problems. Sometimes I had trouble breathing and I could go into coughing fits that would cause me to stop breathing. In the last two years I'd been to the hospital a few times because of it but I was getting better.

This time tomorrow Eric and I would be in the mountains of North Carolina spending a whole week together and alone before heading home to Nashville. Stephen and Eric had a pretty big tour coming up and they had to start getting ready once we got back. I didn't really want to be away from Eric but I knew that with the help of my friends I'd be alright. Summer had just announced that her and Stephen were having another baby. It was starting to get late and we had to leave soon and start our married life together but first I had an announcement to make. I went up to the stage area and Eric followed me. Once we got everyone's attention I began.

"Thank you all for being a part of our big day we love and appreciate you all but before we leave we have something else we need to tell everyone. For the next week it'll be just me and Eric alone but as soon as we get back we're all going to be really busy getting ready for things because well, in about 8 months it wont be just the two of us anymore. We're having a baby."

I kissed my husband and we turned and left to start our lives together. 

I hope you all enjoyed reading the series. I hope I wrapped it up pretty good. don't forget to like and comment and read my new story Every Song I Sing if you enjoyed these. Thank you so much for reading.

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