chapter 3

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I pulled up in front of Peyton's house and honked the horn. I already knew from past experience that if I walked up to the door it would take her longer to be ready to go, if we ever even got out that is. Maybe any other time the whole not going out thing would sound like a good idea but tonight I needed a drink. Bad. I got a text message and I looked down expecting it to be Peyton telling me she'd be out in a minute but instead it was Chase. "Why didn't you tell me Melody was so damn hot? I wouldn't have grumbled so much about picking her up" Anyone else I would have made a smart ass comment but I came up with nothing so I threw my phone into the center counsel I don't know what was going on just reading that name left me feeling some kind of way. I couldn't wait until the wedding was over and Melody went back to California. That was one girl I was better off not having in my life. I didn't like the way she made me feel. I didn't understand it.

Peyton finally came out of the house after what seemed like forever. She was wearing a barely there black dress and three inch heels. I have no idea how she did it. I always expected her to fall over or her dress to ride up or something but she always kept her balance and she always kept covered. Peyton struggled to climb up into my truck and when she was finally in she closed the door and gave me an evil look "you could have at least helped me into the truck asshole, you know how hard it is for me to climb up in these heels and this skirt" "We go through this every time Peyton maybe you should wear something that covers you up a bit better and shorter heels." "You know you like it. plus if you weren't so damn tall I wouldn't have to wear these heels" she just smirked at me waiting for my smart ass response about her height but I surprised her by keeping my mouth shut. I didn't really feel like arguing with her again. Sometimes I wasn't sure why I put up with her, although I'm pretty sure she would remind me later tonight.

"I don't know why you even bother taking me out. We both know I'm nothing but a piece of ass to you, and I'm not your only one either. It's not like you need to take me out or get me drunk to get me in bed" "I like showing you off now come on and get out" Peyton was right I don't know why I always took her out. Her constant mouth running irritated me way too fast every time. It wasn't just about the sex though I liked going out to the bar and drinking beer and dancing. Then there was also the part of me that really did like Peyton's company. When she wasn't complaining about one thing or another Peyton was fun as hell to be around. Despite the short skirt and death trap heels She really did know how to have fun outside of the bedroom. We had gone fishing on more than one occasion. Peyton knew how to party, too. she didn't drink those girly cocktails. Not that there was anything wrong with those but there was just something about a woman that could would rather shoot whiskey than sip on something fruity. I climbed out of the truck and walked around the other side to help Peyton out. 

We walked into the crowded bar and walked straight up to the bar to order drinks. Beer for me Fireball for her. you could feel the shift in the room as Florida Georgia Line "Cruise" started playing. You really couldn't help but love the song it was so catchy. No wonder it was such a big hit. It was amazing to me how this brand new duo could take their very first single and make country music history with it, and Chase was part of that. I could only imagine what it felt like to have part in writing such a huge hit. Some girl came up and asked if I'd take a picture with her. I smiled, of course I'd love to. Peyton had a look on her face like she wasn't too happy with the interruption. Another reason why Peyton just wasn't girlfriend material. If I ever did decide to have another girlfriend it couldn't be someone who got jealous of my fans. Fans are important to an artists career. If you don't have fans, no one buys your music. If no one buys your music, your label drops you. Plain and simple fans are the most important people there are. I mean yeah, sometimes I got sick of all the pictures and the autographs. I would love to be able to go out in peace without being followed or eat a meal at a restaurant without being interrupted but I loved my fans. Peyton was starting to look impatient as I signed an autograph for the girl and she started to walk away. "Come on Peyton, let's go dance"

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