chapter 7

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I woke up feeling as if I hadn't slept at all. Looking over at the clock I groaned it was Nine which meant it was time to get out of bed. We had to be at the dress shop in an hour. I climbed out of bed feeling like a zombie as I brushed my teeth and washed my face trying to wake up. Today was going to be a long day. I had a hangover and to make things worse I'd only gotten maybe three hours of sleep at the most. I couldn't stop thinking about the way Chase's hands and lips had felt on my body the night before. I threw my hair up in a quick ponytail and threw on a pair of jeans and a tshirt. After we came back from dress fittings I would shower and change before we went out to dinner later. 

I walked out of the bedroom to see Summer dressed and smiles while cooking breakfast. I never knew how she could do that. Kennedy was sitting at the table with a cup of coffee. There was another girl sitting at the table, too. Summer introduced her to me as Peyton. She was really pretty but I thought she was too pretty. She was wearing a short dress and had her make up and her platinum blonde hair done to perfection. She definitely stood out next to the three of us who were in jeans and a tshirt. I don't know what it was about Peyton but I didn't like her the second I saw her and that was unusual for me I usually liked everyone. Kennedy and Summer were chattering about something to do with the wedding but Peyton looked like she'd rather be anywhere but here as she sipped on a glass of water. Summer put breakfast on the table and Kennedy dug right into the bacon and pancakes in front of us. Peyton looked at the food as if she wouldn't eat it if her life depended on it before grabbing a banana off the table. I started to pile eggs and bacon on my plate and Summer took off towards the bathroom. 

After we all ate we climbed into Summer's truck and headed to the dress shop. I couldn't help but notice the ridiculously high heels Peyton was wearing. I don't know where Kennedy and Summer had found this girl or how they'd become such good friends with her because she was nothing like them. Peyton really wasn't that bad. As the morning moved into afternoon she joked around and laughed as much as the rest of us. Surprisingly our dresses all just needed very minor alterations. As soon as we were done at the dress shop we went to get some lunch. Sitting in the middle of Nashville at a restaurant there was that small part of me that wished I'd dressed a little differently than I had. Halfway through lunch Stephen, Eric, Jason, and Chase walked in the door and as soon as they saw us they headed for our table. My breath caught in my throat as my eyes met with Eric's for just a second. It was as if all the air had been sucked out of the room, as if everyone and everything else had disappeared and it was just the two of us. I hurriedly looked away wiping thoughts of Eric from my mind. My gaze fell on Chase who smiled at me.

The men joined us at our table pulling chairs over so they'd have places to sit. I watched as Jason kissed Kennedy and Stephen kissed Summer. It was sweet, still not for me though. Chase sat down next to me and started talking to me and I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Peyton had moved her chair to be as far away from Eric as possible. I wonder what was going on between the two of them. It didn't matter I had other things I'd rather be thinking about. Like how I could get some alone time with Chase. The men all ordered their food and the 8 of us laughed and joked around.

After a few Kennedy said she had to get back to the house so her babysitter could go home and her and Jason excused themselves from the table. Peyton had to get back to work because she had clients waiting for her. Eric offered to drive Peyton to Summer's to get her car but she refused saying she'd rather call a cab. Chase then offered to drive her home and she accepted. When Chase leaned down and gently pressed a kiss to my lips I was shocked I couldn't even respond or kiss him back. I could feel more than one set of eyes on us but didn't bother looking to see who it was. Chase smiled at me and said he'd call me later before leaving with a pouty looking Peyton following behind him.

Now it was just the four of us. Stephen suggested we all go back to his house and hang out before dinner but I wanted to get back to the apartment and shower and get changed first. Summer handed me the keys to her truck saying she could ride back with Stephen and I headed out of the restaurant. The second I walked out of the door I realized I'd been holding my breath as I suddenly felt it all release. I had to get over whatever this was that was going on. I could never be with Eric. Even if I was looking for something he wasn't what I wanted in a man. Chase wasn't either if I was being honest with myself. Chase and Eric were both incredibly good looking men they were the kind of men that were good for a little fun but nothing more. Yet I found myself drawn to both of them. 

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