chapter 4

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 Chase pulled me out onto the dance floor. I hated dancing but I might as well get used to it cause I know I'd be expected to dance at Summer's wedding. As Chase's body pressed up against mine I no longer felt a strong desire to murder Summer for forgetting about me. This night was turning out pretty well. I moved even closer to Chase I wanted him and I wasn't afraid to show it. Part of me was unsure since I'd just met him but I buried that part deep down. I went to the bar and ordered up another drink. Two drinks. Jack and Coke, I handed one to Chase as he smiled at me. That smile could stop any grown woman in her tracks. I was about to say something to Chase when four screaming girls came up and pushed themselves between us. I turned around and sat at the bar this was going to be interesting. After last summer with Stephen, Eric, and Jason I'd gotten used to the interruptions that sometimes came at the most inopportune times. Eric, just thinking that name made me feel all sorts of ways I didn't want to feel.

After Chase signed autograph's and took pictures he walked over to me and I handed him a fresh drink. I couldn't seem to stop laughing. For the last 10 minutes I'd seen him trying to figure out a polite way to excuse himself from the four girls who didn't notice or care that he wasn't alone. "Did you sign that girls butt?" I managed to ask him through my laughs. Chase just smiled and started laughing, too. I was laughing so hard I had tears rolling down my face. Finally I calmed down enough to finish my drink. Standing up I grabbed Chase's hand "come on let's get out of here" Once we got out to the truck Chase helped me up into his Chevy and rounded the truck to climb in. Neither of us were laughing anymore, there was a noticeable shift in the atmosphere. I leaned over to turn up the radio when one of my favorite songs came on and I brushed up against Chase. We hadn't started moving yet and when I looked up I saw the way Chase was looking at me. Like he had fire in his eyes and I liked it. Chase took his eyes off mine as he put the truck in drive and pulled out of the parking lot. There was no need to ask where we were going.

Chase drove for about half an hour before pulling off the highway onto a dirt road. We took the dirt road for about ten minutes before turning onto yet another dirt road. Normally I would feel nervous in a truck on a dirt road with a stranger. I was a city girl and with all these turns I was now officially lost. We hadn't seen a single house or person since leaving the city limits. I lost track of all the turns and time as I listened to music and watched Chase drive. Something inside of me told me I could trust Chase. Finally the truck came to a stop and Chase cut off the engine and lights before climbing out of the truck and walking to my side to help me out. I found myself standing in an open field next to a lake. The lake was dark and reflected all the stars. I'd never seen so many stars in my life. Chase was rifling around for something in the back of his truck but my attention wasn't on him, it was on the night. I had never seen such darkness but there was so much light at the same time, so quiet yet so loud. I was used to cloud filled dark skies and streetlights with traffic and people yelling. 

Chase grabbed a blanket and threw it into the bed of his truck. Then he went into the backseat looking for something else and came out with a bottle of Jack in his hands. Taking a swig from the bottle Chase then hands it to me and I do the same. Chase pulls his shirt off throwing it into the open window of his truck and within seconds his jeans had followed. Turning around Chase ran into the lake and jumped in. Looking at me like he expected me to follow. I wasn't sure about this but I guess if Chase could do it so could I. I stripped down to just my bra and panties and ran into the water. I let out a scream when I felt the ice cold water on my warm skin. Chase started laughing before grabbing me and kissing me. The second his lips found mine I forgot about the cold water as my body instantly heated to an uncomfortably hot temperature. Right there in the cold water Chase reached around behind me to unclasp my bra and he as it came loose he threw it out of the water onto the ground. Before I could fully comprehend what was happening my panties and his boxers had followed my bra and we were both in the water completely naked. I had done a lot in my life but this was completely new to me.

I let out a squeal when Chase lifted me up like I weighed nothing and carried me out of the water to the bed of his truck and lay me down on the blanket. Chase climbed up into the truck and layed next to me. When Chase brought his lips down on mine once again every ounce of restraint I had in me snapped as I reached over pulling him on top of me. Chase's lips moved down and found my hardened nipple as he took it into his mouth between his teeth before moving even lower as he trailed kisses down to my stomach. I couldn't take this anymore. I needed Chase inside of me, now. I grabbed at Chase but he just smiled at me moving even lower. I could feel his hot breath against me and just when I was sure I couldn't take this anymore a pair of headlights cut through the darkness of the night.

I would really appreciate some feedback on the story. How do you like it so far. what do you think? you can also kik me at thisnothingtown if something someone says gives me and idea for an upcoming chapter (I write as I go) I will dedicate the chapter to you. hope you're all enjoying the story. 

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