chapter 17

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I tossed and turned but I couldn't sleep. It was going on three days since I'd hurriedly left the reception and flew back to California a whole 12 hours early. That's three days of not wanting to get out of bed, three days of crying until my eyes hurt, three days without eating and three days without any kind of real sleep. Anytime I closed my eyes I saw his face, I felt his lips on mine. Love wasn't supposed to feel like this, love wasn't supposed to hurt this bad. I'd heard that a broken heart hurts but I'd never expected this. Better now than later. It's not like I could have ever had a future with Eric. It was better this way for everyone. In a couple days I'd go back to being my normal self. I hoped. My phone rang a lot. My boss was pissed. She knew I was back and I hadn't shown up for work. I could probably say goodbye to my job now. I knew I needed to get up and take a shower and get on with my life. Go back to work while I still had a job to go back to. That could wait until tomorrow though. Today I just wanted to cry myself to sleep. 

When I opened my eyes it was pitch black outside my window. I was covered in a cold sweat as if I'd been having a nightmare and I decided to take a shower and see if that would help any. As I was getting out of the shower I heard resounding thunder followed by the sky lighting up and suddenly it was pouring outside. I was afraid of storms and I just prayed that the power wouldn't go out. I quickly got dressed and without even bothering to comb my hair or turn the lights off I climbed back into bed and pulled the blankets over my head. This was going to be a long night. Another crack of thunder and this one shook the whole house. The lights flickered and then went out completely. Now I was alone in the dark and every sound coming from outside sounded ominous to me. I squeezed my eyes shut and prayed that it'd be over soon when once again the sky lit up with lightning. Only this time there was the unmistakable sound of lightning striking something nearby and it only took me a few seconds to smell the smoke coming from the other room.

My house was on fire and I needed to get put but I was frozen with fear. I needed to find my cellphone to call the fire department. Where was my phone? Then I remembered that I'd thrown it against the Wall and it had fallen under the bed but when I reached for it I realized the battery was dead. I threw the stupid useless phone across the floor and watched as is smashed into dozens of pieces, Shit. Now what? I started to panic as I realized that smoke was coming in through my bedroom door. I had to get out before the fire blocked my path. I couldn't die. Not before I told Eric how I felt. Even if he didn't feel the same way he had a right to know. My house was falling down around me as I crawled through the thickening smoke trying to find a way out. The house that had been so familiar to me now resembled a smoky maze, and I the mouse that was trapped. I started crying as I got more and more disoriented. This couldn't be happening to me I had so many thing I'd left unresolved. Please God let me get through this I'll do anything. my arms and legs gave out on me as I started choking on the thick black smoke. I knew I was a goner when I heard the sweetest most unexpected voice call my name. If I was dying at least Eric's voice was the last thing I'd hear. Even if it wasn't real.

okay wow. So I had this whole story planned out and I'd planned on ending it here but then this chapter came out of nowhere. Completely and unexpectedly the story took on a life of it's own. Hope you re all enjoying reading please like and comment.

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