chapter 12

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The next week practically flew by. Everyone was busy with work or preparing for the wedding. I found myself alone more than not while everyone else had work to do and I didn't since I didn't live here. Whenever I wasn't alone we were all busy getting ready for the wedding. On Wednesday night I had plans to go out with Chase but plans pretty much got changed at the last minute. Thurday morning I was laying on the couch reading a book by myself when Chase text me asking if I wanted to hang out with him. A few minutes later Chase pulled up in front of Summer's apartment and I ran out to meet him. Chase was looking damn good and I was regretting the fact that I hadn't got to spend much time with him and in a few days I'd be back in Los Angeles. After spending the last week here in Nashville with such good friends I wasn't as excited about going home. Come to think of it L.A. hadn't really felt like home in quite awhile. Not since Summer left almost a year ago. I was going to be sad when it was time to go back.

Chase took me out to lunch and then we just drove around for awhile talking. Although I had been in Nashville almost a week I hadn't really seen much of the town and Chase showed me around a bit before asking me if I wanted to go to the zoo. I hated to admit it but I'd never been to the zoo before and it sounded really fun. We got to the zoo and had to stand in a line but once we got in I couldn't believe how big everything was. I had never been so close to so many different animals. Such beautiful creatures pictures don't do justice. Part of me felt bad for the caged animals but they looked well cared for and fed. This was like nothing I'd ever experienced. I didn't even notice the fact that it was so hot or that the sun was beating down on my bare skin until Chase made a comment about how my face was turning red. Summer is going to kill me if I get a sunburn right before her wedding. 

After the zoo we stopped at a restaurant and had dinner. Dinner with Chase was really nice and I was having so much fun with him today. Just as we were almost done eating Eric walked in the door with his sister. When they saw us they walked over to say hi before going to their table. Eric hadn't looked too happy but I didn't have time to wonder why as our waiter came over and offered us desert. When we were finished eating Chase took me back to Summer's apartment and walked me to the door. I asked him if he wanted to come in and he said he couldn't come in tonight he had a lot to do tomorrow and should be getting to bed. I was sad to see Chase go but I understood. We all had a long day ahead of us tomorrow. We had a few things to do for the wedding then the guys were all going out and us girls were all going out. Kind of like bachelor/ bachelorette parties. With the wedding the day after it probably wasn't the smartest thing to go out but none of us really planned on getting too drunk anyway.


 I was having such a great time with Melody. She was one of the nicest coolest girls I'd ever met. So many girls these days were fake it was hard to actually have fun with them anywhere other than the bedroom. The zoo was  a blast and I could tell by the expressions on her face that she had never been to  a zoo before. It was sad and made me wonder what kind of life Melody had lived growing up that she'd never been to the zoo before. Dinner was really nice, too. Until Eric showed up. I don't know what it was but every time he was throwing off weird vibes like he didn't want me near Melody. I knew that they'd slept together last summer but that's all it had been. I was glad when Eric didn't try to join us for dinner and went on to his own table but I noticed something changed in Melody. The look in her eyes when Eric had looked at her, I knew in that instant that there was something more going on between them, something that neither one of them seemed willing to admit.

We were just getting ready to leave when my phone went off telling me I had a text message. I looked down and saw it was Peyton asking if I could come help her. She had a flat tire and she was about an hour outside of Nashville and couldn't get ahold of anyone else. I told her I'd be there as soon as I could and I took Melody to the apartment. Melody asked me to come in but I just told her I couldn't and left. I really liked Melody but I couldn't figure out what was going on with her and Eric and that made me just a little bit uncomfortable. I pulled out of the parking lot so I could go help Peyton with her flat tire. I couldn't understand what she had been doing so far out of the city anyway.

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