chapter 6

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What was I even doing here? It's not like I could just pull up next to them like hey, whats up? This probably wasn't such a good idea. What if Melody fell for Chase and I lost her without ever telling her how I felt? I was making an ass out of myself by just being here. As I was trying to decide what to do I saw Chase jump up out of his truck and grab something, probably clothes, off the ground. I pulled over to the side and cut out my lights. I might not actually have to make myself known. There was movement in the back of the truck before I saw two dark figures climb into the truck and drive away. I was hoping Chase hadn't recognized my truck. I was feeling slightly guilty I had just pretty much been a cock block but I didn't care much.

Peyton scooted closer to me now that we were alone and as she went to unbuckle my pants I was trying to figure out how to get out of this. I'd been fooling around with Peyton for weeks but suddenly she held no appeal to me. I just wanted to get out of here. Peyton had my pants undone and opened as she slid her hand down and grabbed me I opened my door and leaned out to throw up. I hadn't quite planned that. I don't think it was the alcohol that made me sick. My stomach was in knots as I emptied it's contents onto the ground outside. Peyton looking grossed out inched herself far from me. This was working out better than I'd hoped. Now I only hope Chase and Melody hadn't just gone somewhere else to finish what they'd started and I hoped I'd stopped them before they'd really started. 

I closed my door and turned the truck back on I could tell by the way Peyton was looking at me that she wanted to get out of here just as much as I did. I couldn't wait to get home and have this night be over with. Surprisingly Peyton was rather quiet on the drive back into the city. When I pulled up to Peyton's house she started to get out before looking back at  me "Eric you're starting to turn into an asshole. I don't know what's gotten into you and I'm not going out with you again if you're gonna act like this."  "Good, bye now" She just gave me a disgusted look before climbing out and walking into her house. I looked down at my clock and saw it was 3 A.M. tomorrow was going to be a long day. Tomorrow was technically going to be the first time I'd see Melody for the first time in close to a year. Earlier I had been dreading this more than anything because I didn't like what she did to me. Now though I was looking forward to seeing Melody and I was trying to figure out how to convince her that we were meant to be together. Because that was one thing I was sure of, we were meant for each other.


I can't believe this was happening. Chase jumped up to get our underclothes and we hurriedly got dressed. The whole mood had been ruined by an intruder. Chase was letting out a string of curses under his breath as we climbed into the truck. This wasn't exactly how either one of us had planned to end the night. The ride back to the city was quiet. As we got closer to Summer's apartment Chase started apologizing and he asked me if I would go out with him again while I was in Tennessee. I told him of course I would I really liked him. Truth is the whole night had been fun even though we had been interrupted before we could really do anything I'd had a great time and I just hoped that Chase had a good time, too. I didn't even mind the screaming fans in the bar. That had actually been funny to me. Chase seemed like a really great guy. I was only in Nashville for a few days but I really looked forward to seeing him again.

We pulled up to the apartments and Chase turned off his truck and walked around to help me out. I tried telling Chase it wasn't necessary to walk me to the door but he insisted anyway. Chase put his arm around me as we walked to the second story apartment that belonged to Summer. Stopping in front of the door Chase pulled me to him and kissed me. As Chase pulled away I moved in to kiss him again and he deepened the kiss. His hands moving to my butt pressing me up against him. We both jumped when we heard a throat clearing sound behind us. I turned to see Summer standing in the doorway behind us laughing. That's when I remembered that all my things were still in Chase's truck. Chase went down to get my thing s and I walked inside with Summer just giving me a knowing look. Laughing I told Summer that nothing happened. Chase brought my things in and kissed me once more really quickly before saying goodnight and leaving.

It was already close to three in the morning but neither Summer or I felt like going to bed. I started to tell Summer about my night and before I knew it I was looking up and it was five in the morning. I couldn't believe two hours had passed. We had last minute dress fittings in just a few hours. When I went to lay down it took me another hour to fall asleep I couldn't stop thinking about Chase. I couldn't wait to see him again. 

 leave comments. tell me what you like, what you don't like. I want to hear it. discuss the story with me. what do you think will happen? I like when you guys leave comments it inspires me to write more.

kik ThisNothingTown

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